Example sentences of "that [is] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Ok … that s enough laughing ( for now ) .
2 It has often struck me that remedial classes everywhere in the school system are heavily populated with boys needing help with their language development , yet when able girls slide down in mathematics , that is generally considered as something ‘ natural ’ about which no active steps need be taken .
3 Thus if we are walking in the pastoral , remote country on the borders of Leicestershire and Rutland , following the Eye brook as it makes its way south through undulating fields to the Welland , we pass in a walk of nine or ten miles through a landscape modelled in five different centuries , and this in a part of England that is generally accounted somewhat dull , the monotonous product of parliamentary enclosure .
4 But if that is generally known , surely it has no value ? ’
5 Pots will be attractive to add instant colour and a path sweeps away under the pergola towards the rockery where it turns through a right angle in front of the rose bed , eventually ending at the vegetable plot that is neatly screened by the hedge .
6 ’ Useful ’ semantic information is that part of a word 's definition ( or its expansion ) that is semantically related to the sentential context of that word in typical usage .
7 That is widely accepted by all those involved in health and safety both in Britain and throughout the world .
8 I do n't know whether that is widely understood but I think it 's quite and important feature of our proposals .
9 Material characteristic of medieval Latin writing that is widely exploited in the fabliaux in ways that are often both entertaining and probing is the dogma of antifeminist traditions : traditions which present woman , the daughters of Eve , as generally morally reprehensible and dangerous to man ; insatiable and extravagant sexual sirens with their bodies , and perjurers , temptresses or endless naggers with their tongues .
10 One thing , however , that is widely known about my snooker is that I am never more dangerous than when being profoundly humiliated .
11 Now for the ties , an aspect of planting and staking that is widely underrated .
12 That is easier said than done .
13 But that is easier said than done .
14 That is easier said than done for cash-strapped City , who are said to be losing £10,000 a week .
15 That is soon to dawn on the people of Wales , and on people throughout Britain .
16 That is soon cured , ’ the woman said .
17 That is just called pentate it is not called E M penta any more equally you do n't have sec butile alcohol turk turt butile alcohol they 've been out for ten years !
18 And that is just wage costs .
19 and I think that is just gon na create you know , a bigger ignorance amongst young people erm , you know a bigger ignorance about contraception itself
20 Her philosophy has always been to give her best to the job in hand : " If that is well done everyone will want you on their team . "
21 That is well recognised by the Government , to whom much credit is due .
22 But all that is well known , common property .
23 Every one of the right hon. Gentleman 's policies would lead to a continuing recession , and that is well known .
24 Often , when some rare modern book is looked for , it is a Boots copy that is finally located .
25 As we all know , that is immediately reflected in the inconsistency of Labour 's accounting programme .
26 We have cloned and sequenced cDNAs encoding a novel mouse POU domain protein , Oct-11 , that is closely related within the POU domain to the POU class II proteins , Oct-1 and Oct-2 .
27 If you make a claim for any liability , loss or damage that is also covered by any other insurance policy we will only pay our share of the claim .
28 If you make a claim for any liability , loss or damage that is also covered by any other insurance policy we will only pay our share of the claim .
29 If you make a claim for any liability , loss or damage that is also covered by any other insurance policy we will only pay our share of the claim .
30 If you make a claim for any liability , loss or damage that is also covered by any other insurance policy we will only pay our share of the claim .
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