Example sentences of "that [noun sg] [pers pn] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 In that instance you could issue a B one so that he would have some money coming in .
2 Without that money we would not carry on and we could not carry out our work effectively .
3 Well why did n't they get a mile away from where they put that money they could 've , they could 've been planned it away , a mile away all
4 The trouble with All Fools ' Day is that every newspaper story suddenly looks suspect , but we assure subscribers that IBM Corp really is paying Louis Gerstner all that money it ca n't afford , that the sports shop that sells guns in Kingston really did close early and the UK government is considering a Congestion Charge , but we confess that we have no evidence that the next computer industry consortium will be a catch-all called Computer Industry .
5 For however he acquired that money he must have acquired it , Wexford was certain , during the 19th or the 20th of May .
6 ‘ If you do n't get me that money you 'll be looking for another ship , ’ she reminded him fiercely .
7 Fred I am worried with all that money you wo n't lose your head , there are a lot of clever dishonest people ( she means women , he said ) about these days , I brought you up as well as I could and if you do wrong it 's the same as if I did .
8 ‘ We 've always known what we did n't want our music to sound like , but we never realised that out of all that chaos we 'd sound so laid back . ’
9 that cow I 'll run down the stairs quick enough when the signal comes , salter 's away seemed to love throwing it out do n't they ? .
10 Perhaps when you hear that bit you 'll hear it 's still like a train C , D there C , D , C , D , C , D , C , D
11 want that bit he wo n't talk to me if I had that .
12 That bit I could do without ’ .
13 Once armed with that freedom they might surprise Mr Cash by also seeking membership of the community .
14 He had that look he used to get on Saturday mornings after he had come back from the shops .
15 To understand that interaction we must first analyse the flexible-price , natural rate version of the aggregate supply curve .
16 Out of that income he would have put £1,500 per annum back into the firm , so he would have had £6,000 a year to spend or save .
17 The erm , with that addition I will move the recommendation in paragraph three of minute twelve of the property sub-committee 's minutes , to make representation to the association of county council urging the Government to reconsider it 's policy in not allowing local authorities permanently to make use of the full amount of capital realised from sales of assets .
18 Perhaps one day when you are in that direction you will allow me to show you my department in the university . ’
19 ’ Then , provoked by we know not what domestic disaffection , he adds : ‘ And yf she be not obedient and healpfull unto hym , endevorethe to beate the feare of God into her heade , that therby she may be compelled to learne her dutie and do it . ‘
20 ‘ If you keep stirring that milk it 'll never boil . ’
21 ‘ If we do n't get on that truck we 'll be walking to Doullens . ’
22 Suppose Delia had become friendly with Angy and gone to her flat that afternoon She 'd have been one of the last people to see her alive . ’
23 So maybe that afternoon he 'd only get two calls done , but at least we gain more business out of it .
24 But I hope that by pursuing that course we can also help others set high standards — help others win the argument for paying for good journalism : for supporting good journalism ; for scheduling good journalism .
25 The views should will be quite nice from parts of that course I would think .
26 In that case we ca n't finalise this one until we have decided that .
27 In the light of the judgment in that case we would uphold the applicant 's objection to the proposed interview on the third rather than the first of the grounds put before us .
28 ‘ We hope Mr Stein will be working for us long into the future and obviously in that case we would need to apply for another permit for him .
29 We have no direct evidence as to whether the matter in other galaxies is made up of protons and neutrons or antiprotons and antineutrons , but it must be one or the other : there can not be a mixture in a single galaxy because in that case we would again observe a lot of radiation from annihilations .
30 Before we graduated from a wheelbarrow to a muckspreader , every year we would ring the contractor for a quote and say ‘ in that case we 'll spread our own . ’
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