Example sentences of "that [modal v] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 that 'll kind of filter its way through into and will cause will certain need some
2 In an attempt to streamline its personal computer range , DEC plans to market the new Alpha system in parallel with an as-yet unannounced Pentium-only system called DECpc 560 ST that 'll debut at a similar price point and configuration as the Alpha machine .
3 That 'll sort of give you erm , where we should be at the minute .
4 Now with careers officers obviously that 'll sort of come into it
5 That 's a socket , that 'll time for a cup of coffee I think , while we have a look at , and we 'll have a look at the , the boot log file in a minute and see what it did .
6 and , and I was wondering if that might kind of
7 That would kind of be kept a bit quiet was it ?
8 That 's the only teacher I 've found that would sort of give you variations of English , different sides to it .
9 That would sort of tell me that that was the hypotenuse and that was the adjacent .
10 Then that would sort of feed itself , but you had to have one man feeding the the scrapping machine and another man with a shovel , pulling away the the the the the the scrapped at the side and then you had to have another man feeding the long hay into the chaff cutter .
11 I think , something can can happen , that , I mean , really terrible , that could put the fear into people , and then maybe , that would sort of turn people in view of it .
12 I said to Jes he , the only bird I know that can shit through side of a bloody cage bars and , and get it through !
13 I mean that can have that can sort of
14 I mean I suppose there is in all social work in a sense , that if you go in to look at a family and , and you 're trying to assess you know whether the children should be taken into care , well you 're exercising a a sort of statutory erm er sort of responsibility , and as far as the clients are concerned , er if you , like that can sort of get in the way of er er a more human sort of relationship if you see what I mean , because
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