Example sentences of "that [conj] he [be] " in BNC.

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1 Either that or he is doing this with deliberate skill to gain her confidence . ’
2 Either that or he was about to sneeze .
3 ‘ He will have to have his splints changed as he grows so we will have to work out how we do that once he is back in China .
4 God knows , he could n't be any worse at that than he was at his last job …
5 Er the maths teacher in school did n't like that cos he 's an Everton supporter .
6 And it got , in the end , actually , if I was , if I had to do something that was urgent or I had to go somewhere I used to have to say to her something like , you know , erm oh I better get on , I got a lot to do this morning , or I 'm goi I 've to be shopping and be back in time to cook Jim 's dinner or something like that cos he 's starting , oh I 've got ta have his dinner ready at twelve before he goes to work and if I really was pushed otherwise she would have come in every day .
7 Yeah , of course you ca n't sort of cuddle him like that cos he 's too heavy , I rock him you know for a , a couple of minutes , not that long , he 's taken his braces off as well still do , do n't ya ?
8 He would n't have done that if he was going to nick it , would he ? ’
9 Within seconds she was confronted by a tall man whom she took to be in his late forties , but who , she guessed , could n't be quite that if he was Rosie 's brother .
10 It has often been said that Tony played a guitar with the crucifixes upside down , for a more sinister and satanic embellishment , but John Diggins is adamant that he never built one like that and he 's pretty certain that no such thing exists .
11 Matt often says things like that and he 's usually right .
12 he 's he 's got that and he 's bound to get his earache
13 Cos he thinks he should have done better than that and he 's right he should of done better .
14 So you see they were having a difference of opinion over that and he 's saying you should n't , you should 've left it all to me and she says I 've done it for last fifty year and , you know , all this .
15 And he 's he 's turned over this and just gon na slap one on me and I 've turned my head and gone like that and he 's fucking caught me right on the fucking lips !
16 Well if you were going to come for me you 've got to drive and that and he 's still not up yet today , so I , I have to get Arthur to draw some money
17 Even I do n't let him get away with that and he 's not my little brother .
18 And erm and he did this sermon so the next bloke he came from Kent somewhere er he was a miner or a miner 's delegate and he could really speak you know , arms waving and all that and he was a real preacher .
19 he did that and he was quiet for twenty minutes .
20 Julie said he went up to bed and she she said he sat his , sat on the bed , went like that and he was snoring .
21 When he lied down like that and he was pissed off
22 And you just could n't absolutely see anything serving customer I was going to so , to move or change out my draw shutting it up , turning it off , going away and somebody else had come , he kept , kept , kept doing that and he was stood there all the time and I thought I thought you definitely wo n't get the job !
23 Anyway , , the old shed looks well there er , I du n no why I started to look out and the cat was on his back legs with his feet like that and he was looking up at me like that !
24 What happen was we was standing this jeweller 's , well really we 'd been there , she half the stuff for me and er other people and that , but erm , were standing there for ages , and she come , I 'm , I 'm sort of standing there like this up against the counter waiting to be served , suppose to be coming back right , stood right on the foot , it hurt , but I thought ok it 's a busy shop he wo n't so I 'd turned around , sort of he was there , so I sort of went to him like that and he was looked at me and fucking looked back , so I said are you gon na apologise then , getting right fucking pissed off cos I about three o'clock that day , hang over and being dragged up and down the town all fucking day ai n't my idea of fun you know , ri right in a bad mood anyway , and he said no in a real fucking why do n't you try and make me sort of attitude , so I 'm just about to fucking say something to me , like , how out the shop and everything , and she said what 's the fuck , what 's the matter with you then ?
25 He was like as close as that and he was really staring and he was n't staring at the road cos as I went on a few feet he stared at the car again .
26 Jarvis disliked the whole suburban scene but there was not much he could do about that until he was older .
27 Ole should have thought of that but he 's too feeble for executive commands .
28 Yes well it 's possible that er Alan may see a way to using that but he is quite ni , I mean he he 's got no doubts he wants to come to me he 's in a divorce at the moment and the moment that the final papers are signed , he 's got to get out of the house he has to stay there till the last minute and then the moment that the papers are signed , he must go .
29 Oh , but that but he is acting the whole time , that 's not him being him .
30 My father was maybe in once or twice when I was a boy and he was maybe buying a horse and that but he was very seldom out of the island that I mind .
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