Example sentences of "that [be] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 That s All Folks
2 It is a popular story that the Fascists did at least get the trains to run on time , and had that been all things might have turned out for the better , but the Duce also evolved the theory of Italia Irredenta , ‘ Unrecovered Italy ’ .
3 That is many times smaller than crystals of conventional ferric oxide , and about one ten-thousandth the diameter of a human hair .
4 That is many times more than any Western vendor .
5 Indeed the Court of Appeal in Phekoo expressed the opinion that it only applied to rape but I hope that one might interpret that to mean ‘ rape-like offences ’ , that is all offences where the mistake in question relates to a circumstance qualified by mens rea .
6 Of course , if you think about it the consequences of that is these guys die and when they die , those wives that they married as young girls are now middle-aged women or possibly younger , anyway past their youth , but th th they , they may not be .
7 I would thought that from my quite long experience now with the relief agencies that the British operational agencies , that is those agencies which consistently respond to overseas disasters and send out their own people , technically and professionally qualified people , and that would be really Save the Children Fund and Oxfam , are absolutely excellent .
8 After some manoeuvring in order to reduce the amount of electoral competition and therefore the risk of " splitting the vote " , UUUC won 10 seats for 58% of the votes , that is fewer seats for a greater percentage of the poll than in February .
9 Perhaps that 's all women are really interested in . ’
10 That 's all bits and pieces .
11 I mean , that 's all doctors know I mean when it itches it itches and I scratch it and then I cre cream out and put on .
12 but that 's all seconds .
13 Okay , taking a vote on Mr 's amendment , which is to ask officers to publish a list of allowances claimed , I think that 's all allowances , but not presum , not necess , and including travel and subsistence .
14 That 's all folks !
15 They were lucky that 's all passengers did n't have time to do .
16 And that 's all thanks to her mum .
17 has n't any proper name like this cos these are private houses and estate are council houses but the built at top of was called the Old Plantation and the Old Plantation that 's when the first houses were built then of course when you er find the company first started which er Old Plantation is right opposite erm and when you came along past you then branched off to that 's all fields and you came down as far as and then you branched off to .
18 I suppose one of the things I use to demonstrate it most clearly is that for many years I s I gave lectures on communications and one of the things I used to say in those lectures was I did not know , and I was stressing that sense what came first if newspapers write stories in a particular way , because that is what the public wanted or do public want a particular type of story and that 's that newspapers round-up and I stopped posing that question when Rupert Murdoch bought the Melbourne Sun because Rupert Murdoch bought the Melbourne Sun and introduced a lot of sex-type stories you know stories about brothels and madames whipping people and goodness knows what else and the sales rocketed and there we had almost a captive example of change in the design of change in the type of stories that were written and people , people were buying it and so you have an issue of you know that your content was actually being by what your readership wanted .
19 ( That 's enough c-words — Ed . )
20 That 's enough cakes , Anwar ! ’ said Mr Mafouz , and , placing his broad hand on his son 's backside , he propelled the boy towards the school .
21 That 's enough editors for anyone , really , is n't it ?
22 That 's enough comments and questions for now .
23 no that 's enough thanks .
24 I know I 'm not saying sorry , because I said that in those letters I wrote , and then I had to copy them out again , because they were n't neat enough , and that 's enough sorries for anyone .
25 Cos that 's another sports channel .
26 And that 's these things here .
27 So that 's some planets have n't why not ?
28 That 's , I bet that 's some sports thing .
29 And that 's those dimples are the bottom are on the bottom bit of your spine so if the dimples are n't level it means that bit of your back is slightly
30 Moderator the erm overture which we passed into an act er in the last sentence of section three says the names of such children , that 's those children who have been admitted to erm communion as children , shall be admitted to the communion roll of the congregation when they have made public profession of their faith that is , when they reach the point at which they make that normal statement and the my understanding would be people whose names are on the communion roll .
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