Example sentences of "that [be] [det] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Of course it can be argued that since he adopted the Liberal cause in the 1920s , he was practically at one with Liberalism , and that is all that matters .
2 Their uncle got here and that is all that matters , ’ Rose smoothed , turning to chat to the girls in the back .
3 However , we should n't grumble , because that is all that we get with many other plants , and at least the reason of interest and attraction is extended by colourful fruits ( hips ) in autumn .
4 ‘ There 's a real danger in the field of design these days that you become known for a specific style , like a particular type of chair , for instance , and that is all that people will ever want you to do . ’
5 ( In good humour he has already turned back to the mime : the two SPIES awaiting execution at the hands of the PLAYER ) Audiences know what to expect , and that is all that they are prepared to believe in .
6 The WYSIWYG that word processors offer has always been based around monospaced fonts because that is all that the computer and printer have been able to cope with .
7 That is all that matters .
8 If polling day is 9 April , a certain amount of time is needed to get business through the House , and that is all that the guillotine is for .
9 That is all that it could afford under this Government .
10 On the contrary , if the gene can pay for itself in terms of reproductive success , that is all that matters .
11 We are together and that is all that matters for now . ’
12 We do n't know how they do it , but high-ranking females in the best harems , that is those that have the best feeding grounds on run , produce significantly more males than they do females .
13 about how many copies where they 've actually gone that that is some that is sent out to all school 's and quite considerable numbers are sent out .
14 ‘ I do n't think you could honestly say it was going well just now , but it will do soon and that 's all that matters . ’
15 That 's all that matters , ’ says Marcelle .
16 If she is wise , she will soon get the message , and think to herself ‘ Oh well , so long as they 're happy , that 's all that matters ’ — an attitude that has been the saving grace of many mother-in-law/daughter-in-law relationships .
17 It 's just a question of us getting three points , that 's all that matters . ’
18 and that 's all that matters
19 Still , it worked , and that 's all that matters .
20 It does n't matter — they 're in the wild and breeding successfully , I 'm pleased to say , and that 's all that matters .
21 All that 's all that it needs you know , for him to alter his attitude .
22 It does n't sound very much like Michael Caine , but then it does n't sound like your own voice either and that 's all that matters .
23 ‘ Well , so long as he does know about it that 's all that matters .
24 That 's all that matters .
25 That 's all that really matters as far as the law is concerned .
26 It 's the news that we knew that 's all that it could turn out to be , but it was just waiting to hear for it officially and going all through these months .
27 ‘ As long as she gets the items , that 's all that matters .
28 That 's all that matters , you and me and having babies .
29 Because as far as I can see , that 's all that happened .
30 ‘ Well , that 's all that matters , then , kid , ’ I said , and we went off to Fortnum and Mason for a Peach Melba .
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