Example sentences of "that [be] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Widnes bitterly complained about the unfairness of the situation saying — quite rightly — that if incidents like that are to be pulled out you would need 26 cameras — for every player .
2 Does he agree that it is the height of irresponsibility to try to pretend that there can be a massive increase in spending from day one of a Government if the tax increases to pay for that are to be phased in ?
3 If that were to be the case , Professor Lettario Villeri , a noted vulcanologist , said , ‘ the town of Zafferana would run a very real and serious risk of being overrun ’ .
4 If that were to be the case it could be a return to the profoundly damaging effects that the daily streaming , even in primary and elementary schools , produced in an earlier age .
5 If that were to be fully reflected in a lower real exchange rate ( the nominal rate adjusted to take account of changes in UK output prices relative to those elsewhere ) , competitiveness would improve significantly and could give a boost to growth .
6 If that were to be the outcome , it would mean putting the clock back not twelve years , but a hundred years .
7 If that were to be established , the defenders would be faced with difficulties in relation to witnesses whom they expected to lead but whose Reports were not as favourable as hoped .
8 How much would it cost if fair compensation were paid to the standard rate taxpayer each year if that were to be done ?
9 Er , they would be helped , I think , by this and er , I think if that were to be the case , then I 'd be wholeheartedly behind it .
10 Er similarly we feel it would be more appropriate if that were to be the case er perhaps should point out there are other schemes where we have shown a series of of lines stars on the key diagram , it 's not just on the Harrogate .
11 There are no proposals either in er draught directive form or before this house on that matter as far as I know and certainly er if that were to be the proposal it would be objected to strenuously on this side of the house .
12 There is only some slight damage to its carrying case , but that is to be expected .
13 ( iv ) In proof-reading any work produced on a word processor , pupils may have access to a computer spelling checker. ( v ) Pupils should be encouraged to use whatever presentational devices are appropriate for a given piece of work — particularly work that is to be displayed or made public .
14 All that is to be hoped is that individual fellows of the society will use this report to press , alongside others less privileged , for an openness , a democracy that hardly distinguishes the Royal Society itself .
15 The objective of the RFX experiment , a collaborative project between Italy and Britain that is to be built in Italy at Padua , is to find out directly whether the RFP can confine high-temperature plasma well enough for the configuration to form the basis of a reactor .
16 She may also have to face a serious reduction in income , which might necessitate the sale of her house and the loss of her settled way of life by a move to another neighbourhood and to a smaller home , or into yours if that is to be the arrangement you both decide upon .
17 A ground-based winch then winds the loop and camera unit to which it is attached , up to the pulley if that is to be used as a trip or , as in most instances , remote control of the shutter is used when adequate height is achieved .
18 Embarrassment , it seems clear , is a major concern of the British psyche , and the dreams the British dream , if opinion-polls are to be believed , tend to be about social embarrassment , with amorous fantasy playing only a disappointingly minor role ; and if that is to be taken in evidence , then it may be said to represent a more powerful obsession than sex .
19 Virgin Group Plc is planning to enter the mass-market UK personal computer business via a computer supplies company , Virgin Euromagnetics Ltd that it has owned for two years , the Financial Times reports : £12m-a-year Virgin Euromagnetics packages supplies such as floppy disks , which are sold in Virgin stores , and has designed an 80486 machine that is to be built under contract for Virgin in the UK , initially at a rate of around 3,000 a month ; the paper says that the machine may be bundled with a laser printer for about £1,200 , and the plan is to launch in September .
20 If that is to be China 's choice , then North Korea is where it should start .
21 For many fans the wearing of Dr Marten boots , and other ‘ hard ’ gear , is likely to have that role , that is to be symbolic rather than instrumental .
22 Perhaps that is to be expected in a market in which ‘ art ’ largely collapsed into ‘ investment ’ , and in which artists were happy to take a slice of the action .
23 Not to know that is to be ignorant of the whole point of the affirmation .
24 How that is to be done necessitates an explanation that can not be other than labyrinthine .
25 At length , at a meeting on 12 June 1949 at a sports ground in Accra , speaking to a crowd estimated at 60000 , Nkrumah announced the formation of the Convention people 's Party ( Cpp ) , to create ‘ the new Ghana that is to be ’ .
26 The evidence in support of that is to be found in the evidence of Helen Taylor .
27 However , having said that , there is some support for the submission made on behalf of the appellants in this regard , and that is to be found in the letter of 10 October 1989 which was written to them , following that hearing , by their solicitor .
28 That is to be expected .
29 ‘ You say we have as yet only heard the half — and the worse half of all that is to be told ?
30 The first point to emphasise is that there is very little disagreement amongst any of the theorists outlined here about what it is that is to be analysed .
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