Example sentences of "that [be] [verb] from " in BNC.

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1 No I know , that 's what she said , she 'd wondered where that were coming from cos it were right up here .
2 The most important chairman ( of the municipality ) was a Jlulat from Tazarbu , that is to say from the category of people least involved in the Kufran disputes .
3 By contrast , a writer whose allegiances ultimately lie with the bourgeoisie would necessarily understand political developments from the outside , that is to say from the perspective of an oppressive class .
4 In Britain , the 1980s idea of plural funding , that is funding from a variety of sources , was a great stimulus and pulled in money and support from outside the public sector .
5 Erm looking up er the er line or that is looking from the bridge erm that 's going down towards er th the just it it it er cur curved round to meet the er the line er an and the s and the station was was here .
6 There is an element of risk-taking in all addictive disease and the " buzz " that is felt from a surge of adrenalin in risk-taking is similar to the " buzz " felt from addictive drugs .
7 A chaffinch that is isolated from birth will only sing a very crude chaffinch song when it comes to sing in its first year ( Figure 3.10b — compare the normal chaffinch song in Figure 3.10a ) .
8 The purpose of that is to remove from Mr Jewitt at Hambleton and Mr Earle at Richmondshire and any others erm who just do n't want this kind of pressure brought upon them , er by putting criteria in at the strategic scale you could derive that criteria and maybe even name local authority areas to make to protect those who do not want this feature .
9 All that is missing from its picturesque streets — geraniums spill from every aperture , a stream gushes from a well down an unpaved track , cattle low in shelters below the villagers ' cottages — is a cast of yokels and buxom wenches bursting into an operatic aria .
10 Put in a request for one of them that is missing from the shelf , and see how the system works .
11 Er , sir , at the risk of straying slightly into into two B , you , do forgive me in advance , but you raised the specific point about size , and and erm there was er one or two statements that there is n't a a clear view on size in P P G three , I think it 's important to bear in mind the interrelationship between all P P G s and as Mr Curtis said , the research that that backs them up , and I I I point you to three quotes in the statement that C P R E have put in , erm i i i paragraph four point one seven , an and s the quote that attaches to that is taken from the research that erm er backs up draft revised P P G thirteen , transport , and erm I shall quote from that on this question of size , i it is also evident that smaller settlements , those with populations of less than fifty thousand , but particularly very small settlements are characteristically less transport emissions efficient than larger settlements , I think the the erm essence of of that particular piece of research is not as Mr Davis was implying to achieve totally self contained settlements , I do n't believe such a concept exists , it 's actually erm a planning land use in the long term to reduce C O two emi emissions something that is essential now to government policy , I think perhaps more instructive though is is the quote that I 've in included in paragraph four point one nine and that 's taken from er er this book here which I perhaps should submit the whole chapter in evidence to the panel , I 've only just included one quote , it 's it 's I suggest one of the more interesting reads that you may have as a result of this panel , it 's by Colin Ward , and it 's called New Town , Home Town , it 's undertaken by er , sorry includes some of the work that 's been undertaken by the University of Reading , erm and er David Lock Associates , on erm er new town research , and this this is due to be published by H M S O shortly , it 's unfortunate that it was n't available in time for this E I P , but I think erm , if you 'll bear with me , I will read out the quote that I put in four point one nine , because I feel that it is useful on this question of of size , we concluded that if you are interested in environmental impact , energy conser consumption , and sustainability , new settlements have to reach a certain size to be worthwhile , it 's parallel to the old arguments that used to take place around self containment in new towns , we found that new settlements of much less than five thousand houses , that 's about fourteen thousand people are not really worthwhile because if they are smaller than that you are simply putting a housing estate in the countryside , a phrase that that has already been put round this morning , it appears that the best minimum for a new settlement , the best minimum , is about ten thousand houses , that 's that 's twenty five thousand people , which as it happens is about the size of the original garden cities .
12 If all that is needed from the computer system is a means of generating high quality text output then settle for a word processing package that can talk to a page printer .
13 Very obviously when this town was designed and laid out and nobody foresaw the growth of the private motor car , er today private motor car is accepted , but in a town which was built perhaps the idea that one in twenty would own a motor car and we 're now faced with the probably one in three have a motor car , we 're now faced with a problem which can only detract from life in the town , also the fact that huge lorries are passing through what were envisaged as quiet residential neighbourhoods with a consequent breaking of curbs and of paving stones where the lorries are compelled to mount the pavings in order to get round parked cars and things of that nature it detracts from the life in Harlow I do , I think a considerable extent , erm , the other factor is that there 's become a lack of pride in the town by the people who live in it , this is seen from the amount of rubbish , and refuse that is dropped from the minor vandalism that goes on the graffiti , er particularly in underpasses where people are walking to the town centre and that , those are the things where the town has lost its way , when we first came here you never saw bits of paper and packages from sweets and cigarettes and things , perhaps maybe because the package industry has developed over the years and that er whereas whenever we had responsibility for taking a small child out , if it had sweets it was encouraged to put the wrappings in its pocket until it got home , now of course it 's encouraged to drop it just where it wants to and er this not only applies to children , some of the worst culprits are the adults who leave the , leave the public houses with a can of beer to drink on the way home and drop it just when they 've finished the last drop of beer or the fish and chip paper 's just dropped .
14 That is deflecting from your main purpose of persuading most of the people present to accept your case .
15 We have suggested that your notes are too valuable to be carried about , but that with one Lecfile you can take down all that is required from various lecture courses and from reading in the library .
16 A patchwork of care may well be required that is drawn from private and voluntary as well as formal and informal sources .
17 And that is copied from a picture of one that survives .
18 They verify that is coming from where the person says it 's coming .
19 Still find those what 's this that 's broken from ?
20 But that 's gone from her now , is n't it ?
21 Er , sir , at the risk of straying slightly into into two B , you , do forgive me in advance , but you raised the specific point about size , and and erm there was er one or two statements that there is n't a a clear view on size in P P G three , I think it 's important to bear in mind the interrelationship between all P P G s and as Mr Curtis said , the research that that backs them up , and I I I point you to three quotes in the statement that C P R E have put in , erm i i i paragraph four point one seven , an and s the quote that attaches to that is taken from the research that erm er backs up draft revised P P G thirteen , transport , and erm I shall quote from that on this question of size , i it is also evident that smaller settlements , those with populations of less than fifty thousand , but particularly very small settlements are characteristically less transport emissions efficient than larger settlements , I think the the erm essence of of that particular piece of research is not as Mr Davis was implying to achieve totally self contained settlements , I do n't believe such a concept exists , it 's actually erm a planning land use in the long term to reduce C O two emi emissions something that is essential now to government policy , I think perhaps more instructive though is is the quote that I 've in included in paragraph four point one nine and that 's taken from er er this book here which I perhaps should submit the whole chapter in evidence to the panel , I 've only just included one quote , it 's it 's I suggest one of the more interesting reads that you may have as a result of this panel , it 's by Colin Ward , and it 's called New Town , Home Town , it 's undertaken by er , sorry includes some of the work that 's been undertaken by the University of Reading , erm and er David Lock Associates , on erm er new town research , and this this is due to be published by H M S O shortly , it 's unfortunate that it was n't available in time for this E I P , but I think erm , if you 'll bear with me , I will read out the quote that I put in four point one nine , because I feel that it is useful on this question of of size , we concluded that if you are interested in environmental impact , energy conser consumption , and sustainability , new settlements have to reach a certain size to be worthwhile , it 's parallel to the old arguments that used to take place around self containment in new towns , we found that new settlements of much less than five thousand houses , that 's about fourteen thousand people are not really worthwhile because if they are smaller than that you are simply putting a housing estate in the countryside , a phrase that that has already been put round this morning , it appears that the best minimum for a new settlement , the best minimum , is about ten thousand houses , that 's that 's twenty five thousand people , which as it happens is about the size of the original garden cities .
22 That 's taken from just re wh basically where the roadway is now .
23 Hopefully if I do get it , there 's somebody there , that 's going from Andover
24 It 's all that 's left from yesterday
25 That 's fine , things that you have n't thought of , that 's coming from what they 've done , okay ?
26 So after you have cooked that meal all that 's required from you is a wipe over .
27 SunSoft Inc has been secretly working on writing a Microsoft Corp Windows application programming interface in a clean room so Solaris will be able to run a copy of Excel , let's say , that 's bought from a high street software shop .
28 It was all very hush-hush — that was emphasized from the beginning . ’
29 NEGOTIATIONS are now well in hand with a UK national collection concerning the Handley Page Hampden that was salvaged from the Murmansk area of the USSR and arrived in the UK on September 4 .
30 In 1988/89 only 20 per cent of ivory traded was legal and two thirds of that was snatched from poachers .
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