Example sentences of "that [verb] [pers pn] [is] " in BNC.

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1 It is typical of this Tory government , a government that has not had a constructive idea all the time it has been in office , but thinks that union bashing is the only answer to the country 's problems , that thinks it is the only way to unite the Tory troops .
2 17 ) Party Sevens ( these were massive cans of bitter — it Whitbread Big Head Trophy Bitter , The Pint That Thinks It 's A Quawawwart ! — that you had to open with a hammer )
3 Ca n't do that seeing it 's your box .
4 That they ask you specific questions of that naming it 's a multi-choice more importantly in your written answers you will have to in , you are expected to include and correct systematic ohms for any organics that you deal with .
5 If you have n't got any issue but parents or fore brother or sister or the issue of that say it 's your nephews or nieces and you 've still got a spouse of course , she still is n't get She or he is still not going to get the whole lot .
6 Have you ever had that done it 's so bizarre , I tell you .
7 ‘ I have seen people badly hurt in the sport , broken arms and fingers , gouged eyes , but when that happens it 's because people are n't doing it right .
8 That 's important and of course when you lose , really lose your powers of coordination then you lose the ability to look after yourself , you ca n't dress yourself , you ca n't feed yourself and when that happens it 's into a home and geriatric ward and be looked after .
9 When that happens it is rare for the band to win the resulting battle and emerge unscathed .
10 Do n't for God 's sake , do that y'know it 's what I find is , once panic sets in w and that 's usually either the night before or the day , I d anything that I try and read does n't really go in very well .
11 The reasons for obeying these moral rules are egoistic , that to disobey them is to forward the perils of social chaos , or to risk punishment .
12 When he goes on the one day in two years that something went wrong , that shows he 's doing a good job . ’
13 There will be a more intensive look at this problem later , but for now all that concerns us is that the job security component of the company loyalty is reflected at national level in official unemployment rates .
14 ‘ Does that mean it 's nearly Christmas ? ’
15 ‘ Does that mean it 's a good beginner 's break ? ’
16 ‘ Does that mean it 's still being created ?
17 So if I go twice as fast , does that mean it 's gon na take me twice as long to get there ?
18 Does that mean it 's for me or Joe 's dad ? ’
19 ‘ You 're so concerned for Maria Luisa , does that mean she is someone special in your life ? ’
20 Does that mean she 's going to die .
21 ‘ Does that mean she 's cured ?
22 Now does that mean she 's , she 's instead of Thelma ?
23 Does that mean he 's a mug ?
24 Does that mean he 's from Madreidetic ?
25 Does that mean he is hard ?
26 Now what that tells us is they ca n't both be right ,
27 Let us never forget that although the environment is all around us , it is not unalterable , that to change it is to influence people , that ecology is potent , the more so because it is often unnoticed . ’
28 But this week , because the handbrake is a , wanted tightening up , you know , but I 'll do that get it 's M O T in another weeks time .
29 If she does , that means she is not good enough or bright enough , and ought to feel guilty .
30 That means she 's the cripple of our group !
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