Example sentences of "as they [am/are] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Spurs not as gilded as they are painted .
2 But look more closely at the statistics , look at what is really happening on the streets and in the shops , look at how people 's lives are changing , and it becomes clear that things are not nearly as bad as they are painted .
3 In this case I am actually drawing with the brush and the colours will merge quite nicely as they are painted wet into wet .
4 It then argues that this very desire for God is God immanent in man 's being and shows how it may , in his particular case , come to inform all sides of his life which are reconciled as they are turned into fuel to feed the fire of love — itself lit in his desire for God .
5 Another problem is that the tests show practice effects ; that is , for the first day or so of testing , subjects ' performances improve greatly ( and so mask any daily rhythms ) as they are getting used to the tests and are developing their personal ways of tackling them .
6 ( 8 ) Audiotext Harvard OTC ) " They are expanding their telephone lines dramatically , as they are getting several times the number of calls they had anticipated . "
7 If there is any chance of " doorstepping " or having a microphone pushed under their noses as they are leaving a meeting make sure that they know this might happen .
8 Of all the approaches the latter is likely to succeed the best as they are leaving all the clever stuff to those in the know .
9 Two Regional Council staff will soon have the opportunity to see Water and Drainage 's adopted WaterAid project at first hand as they are leaving their jobs to go travelling in Asia .
10 Moreover , the scope for advertising is limited , as they are prohibited by the Companies Act to advertise their own shares for sale ( as are all quoted companies ) .
11 Outdoors , on all kinds of surfaces where the lines can be abraded as they are dragged , in a range of temperatures and exposed to ultra-violet rays , and often made wet from dew in the grass , all the lab tests become suspect .
12 A new concept in movie-making is now giving cinemagoers the chance to decide how the plot should develop as they are watching .
13 From the ‘ savings , ’ as they are referred to , funds have been redeployed to make up for a decade in which growth of support for basic scientific research was , at best , sluggish .
14 About 100 cases will be drawn from three Scottish regions and cases taken as they are referred to specific teams .
15 Inasmuch as they are motivated by one 's consent they become , in a small undramatic way , an expression of one 's attitude to one 's society .
16 All dates will be confirmed as soon as they are finalised by the Regional Committees .
17 Father we pray for Alan and Gaynor Stevens , and their family as they are prepared by You to serve in Rugby .
18 As they are run by air , you 'll need a separate line to them , and in sufficiently large sizes for a three foot tank they can be very bulky and visible in the tank .
19 It 's easy to look at these young hooligans on the street , as they are perceived by so many , without understanding why they are like it , and I think it would help everyone to understand , and maybe we could have some action to work towards supplying the need for these youngsters , because I belief if something could be done for them when they 're sixteen and just starting out on this erm sort of sub-culture life that they get into so quickly , if people could give them maximum help at this stage then they could grow into being responsible erm satisfied adults .
20 As they are beaten by the waves the exposed limestone skeletons are broken up , and the sand thus formed smothers yet more areas of reef .
21 The Youngest Son would stay with us in Al Ain , catching up on his studies in order to graduate with his class from secondary school , but it would be a week before the Sheikh and his elder sons drew up in their big Mercedes and brought that filling of the house that always comes when men are at home , the heavy laughter , the smell of pipe smoke , screeches of excitement from the children as they are tossed high in the air .
22 TWO little princesses laugh and shout as they are tossed in the air and splash around in the pool with their mother 's handsome friend with the funny accent .
23 Another little book , Krek Waiter 's speak Bristle , is written in sounds as they are heard — not as they are spelt ( easily understood when said aloud using your aural memory combined with the sensation and the appearance of speech ) .
24 ‘ It 's not ethical as they are acting for the landlord , ’ he says .
25 The palmier biscuits can be made up to two weeks in advance of the filling them with the whipped cream , as long as they are stored in an airtight tin .
26 The fact that many works in this category may be produced directly on a computer before any other tangible form exists presents no serious problems because these works will exist , in terms of copyright protection , the instant they are recorded ; that is , as soon as they are stored on a computer disk or printed out on paper .
27 However , please do not hesitate to ask if you think that something is wrong — it is usually easier to rectify differences if they are brought to our attention as soon as they are discovered .
28 In this garden annuals and bedding are used particularly well as they are dotted around perennials and shrubs , rather than grown together in a bedding scheme .
29 And they 're as straightforward to buy as they are to install .
30 So long as they are kept busy in Port-au-Prince until the morning , we can continue with only minor alterations . ’
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