Example sentences of "as they [vb base] with " in BNC.

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1 It is by no means clear how farmers would react to any system which threatened to control their freedom to do as they please with their own land .
2 A few tall plants ( or upright stones or bogwood ) just in front of the back of the tank will add to the impression of depth , as they contrast with the background paper , breaking up its flatness .
3 We all know that parachutes form themselves into a hemispherical shape as they fill with air ; but , for simplicity , it is better if we follow Hugh 's example and assume that we are dealing with a flat disc .
4 They deposit scent from the tip of their abdomen along the route from the food to the nest , and this trail is followed and added to by other ants as they return with food .
5 It must be stressed that after a certain time has elapsed , individuals will interact with the researcher just as they will with anyone else , notwithstanding the possible inhibiting effect of recording equipment .
6 But contrast the reaction to football fans who run through a town creating damage as they go with the reaction to university students during rag week creating similar damage .
7 He likes the days when nothing seems to happen , and rain runs down the windows , and through somebody else 's windows on the other side of the airwell you can see girls with piles of lacquered hair laughing and making sudden small self-conscious movements , as they flirt with young men in Italian-cut suits , silent behind the layers of glass .
8 But the humour can not hide the heartache the unlikely companions feel locked away from their loved ones as they cope with their plight in their different ways .
9 But in the future a diverse ecology will only be able to coexist with an efficient agriculture within the context of a planned land-use strategy , and such an attempt to resolve the various and conflicting demands on the countryside can not be successful without farmers surrendering at least some of their freedom of action to do as they wish with their own land .
10 In hospital , the parents can be enabled to spend as much time as they wish with their sick child , and efforts can be made to keep to the child 's familiar routines ( Rutter , 1979b ) .
11 I have never experienced an aggressive or bullying rasbora of any species , and they mix well in the peaceful community aquarium , swimming alongside companions from the other side of the world as easily as they integrate with their natural South East Asian cohabitants .
12 The moment that answers are sought to questions such as what particular properties of a painting lead to a specific kind of reaction , or what processes go on inside viewers ' minds as they respond with delight or dislike , ‘ … we enter a realm full of complexity and uncertainty ’ ( Cupchik and Heinrichs , 1981 ) .
13 As the Crown acts on the advice of ministers in this matter , and as they deal with comparable matters , the distinction between the two is not substantial .
14 Note that the a 2 vibration is observed in the Raman spectrum of the liquid which also confirms the assignment of the four b-type bands in the IR spectrum of the gas to a 1 vibrations as they coincide with partially polarized Raman bands .
15 THE African National Congress and its leader , Nelson Mandela , are on public trial over their integrity and professed democratic principles as they struggle with a mass of allegations connecting Mrs Winnie Mandela to murders and other scandals .
16 Many of you support them faithfully in prayer and I know we will all benefit from their challenging ministry as they share with us something of their work in Turkey .
17 ‘ But I know also that , as they continue with their royal duties and with bringing up their children , the Prince and Princess will have the full support , understanding and affection of this House and of the country . ’
18 I know that as they continue with their royal duties and with bringing up their children , the prince and princess will have the full support , understanding and affection of this House and of the country .
19 Freed from managing aspects of learning which children can provide for themselves and for one another , the teacher uses opportunities as they arise with individuals and groups to inject new purposes for collaboration , develop appropriate skills and strategies and model processes which the children will later be able to use for themselves .
20 As they lurch with some aplomb through The Rolling Stones ‘ I Got The Blues ’ , Brokaw 's guitar falters horribly and the huddled masses groan in supplication .
21 Daniel was that evening thinking about gold and the perverse fascination this metal still exerts upon otherwise rational men as they grapple with the intricacies of international exchange rates .
22 There , as they strut with tails fanned , wings drooping and bills upstretched , they emit a strange mixture of clicking and gobbling noises .
23 When the probabilities get very small , as they do with some of the school types , d is not a very suitable measure of effect .
24 The real wonder is not that some who profess to believe fall away after continuing so long but that some last as long as they do with as little as they have .
25 Finally , whereas Brittan and Peacock would perceive nothing untoward in biased programming so long as consumers are free to exercise consumer choice as they do with newspapers ( sic ) , Curran and Seaton propose that broadcasting and the press should be more representative of all political shades .
26 Snooker frames with Julian last about twice as long as they do with anybody else .
27 But the ‘ truth ’ is not the point at issue ; what matters is that as human beings we necessarily engage in an interpretative process when we encounter others , as they do with us .
28 ‘ But fortunately , ’ he added , ‘ I think the basics of good communication apply to communication with the Government as they do with anything else .
29 The trials and convictions are particularly significant coinciding as they do with Botha 's release of one generation of political prisoners , such as Govan Mbeki , Zephania Mothopeng and Harry Gwala , and amid speculations about the release of Nelson Mandela .
30 You bought it and bought it , that 's it , not same as they do with yeah with them looking for bloody sponsors unheard and them looking for bloody sponsors eh ?
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