Example sentences of "as they [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 However , a bright lady from one of the northern co-ops came up to me later with the simple answer : they were looking at the prices and making their choice on that basis in much the same manner as they might go into a butcher 's shop with a price tag for the weekend shopping firmly implanted in their minds .
2 In these ways , our relationship with others grows and deepens , freeing them to be in Christ as they might long to be .
3 Edgar thanked the Danes for their support and allowed them to live under such laws as they might choose , and it must be significant that Swegen landed in Lincolnshire when he made his bid for the kingship in 1013 , and that in 1066 King Harald of Norway made for York , where he had hopes that the citizens would assist him in his endeavours .
4 But it also suggests that many –normal , healthy' people are not as immune from everyday chemicals as they might appear to be .
5 It could n't be simpler , but be warned , the answers may not be as obvious as they might appear .
6 A bee has 5000 facets and would see flowers rather as they might appear in a pointillist painting .
7 One if you want the best when you pig out you have to pay for them , and two they are not always as meaty as they might appear .
8 Sufficient knowledge and experience exists within Admin to keep normal operations going on the Altos , and to deal with operational problems as they might arise .
9 We have looked at abilities , experience and goals as they might influence behaviour at work .
10 It 's just that I think that they do n't publicize a lot of the services as well as they might do .
11 Not even all Conservative politicians were happy with the implications of the notion of compulsory sales , particularly as they might affect rural areas , and certain safeguards have had to be incorporated .
12 The following excerpt from the articles was cited by Morland J. as an example of the allegations as they might affect the reputation of the council and might be defamatory :
13 The Secretary of State for Transport on the interpretation of powers contained in the Ports Bill , as they might affect ports in Scotland ;
14 Glasser thunders on : ‘ Both Lilian and Mary invested too much emotional capital in their opposition to father , whose influence naturally remained dominant , try as they might to escape ; and this imbalance distorted their view of relationships and of the world . ’
15 When you are able to do this with the major scales , try the various minors , modes and arpeggios , mixing them up as they might occur in a chord progression .
16 Greenidge was happy to admit that playing alongside the South African was ‘ an education and an inspiration ’ , but he also conceded that while they both had many outstanding days individually they did not score as many runs in partnership as they might have done , since they were both attacking players and therefore risk-takers .
17 The Ministry did tell us not to waste effort growing flowers , but somehow one always felt they were not quite as right as they might have been on that one .
18 In a century of imperial expansion it was inevitable that many sons died far from home and not , as they might have wished , in the bosom of the family .
19 In the event , the ending of their two Dorset years came with dramatic suddenness , and brought not a narrowing of their lives , as they might have feared , but the beginning of a period marked by profound and creative friendship .
20 Sadly not every one of St Peter 's successors has been as appreciative of his work as they might have been .
21 They are not linked in other ways , as they might have been in the past , as in mining villages , by other common bonds of interests .
22 Characters are cut-outs , mental events are banned as if the Bloomsbury tradition needed to be ruthlessly exorcised , and names like Miles Malpractice in Vile Bodies explain character in boldly extra-realistic ways , much as they might have done in Bunyan 's Pilgrim 's Progress .
23 Pale colours were used to map out the image and fill in areas much as they might have been used in watercolour painting .
24 Certainly , state pensions — now over £25 billion a year — will not grow as fast as they might have done , or seem likely to do in many other rich countries .
25 Prefaced by ground plans of the three principal floors , each chapter is devoted to one interior , reproducing drawings , watercolours and photographs of these rooms as they might have been , were and are , along with many illustrations of objects within them .
26 There are two types of proposition in Freud 's theory which are not always as clearly distinguished as they might have been in his writing .
27 While the Macintosh and PC both have a number of data base programs in common ; Ashton Tate 's dBASE and Blyth Omnis/Crystal being the best supported , the software houses do n't seem to have kept the products quite as similar as they might have done .
28 The list of British craft union leaders of this period is filled with men who worked for a spell in the United States or somewhere else overseas , as they might have worked for a spell in Newcastle or Barrow-in-Furness .
29 However , Lithuania are n't going to be as dangerous as they might have been as several of their top stars did n't make the trip .
30 She enjoyed their company , although she did not read their books as closely as they might have wished , for she had a strong and idiosyncratic sense of history , particularly of the Stuart period ( like my grandfather , she was a descendant of Charles II , in her case from Nell Gwyn , in his from Lucy Walter ) .
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