Example sentences of "as you will [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As you will discover , I am very much a believer that we largely teach ourselves when learning new skills and that the main purpose of a book or instructor is to help clarify exactly what your aims are .
2 As you will discover , we only need our eyes to tell us where to go since windsurfing is done completely by feel .
3 There 's more to a name than meets the eye as you will discover when you send for our brochure .
4 As you will discover in the remaining chapters , problems remain about specifying the actual functions of these modules , their degree of functional independence , and the consequences of functional independence for the integration of behaviour and consciousness .
5 Now , Stuart , as you will discover if you have not done so already , believes that the principal raison d'être of food is to conceal from public view the hideous pattern on the plate beneath .
6 Birds possess a similar skill as you will discover if you try to dismantle even the untidiest and most apparently haphazard of twig nests .
7 Do n't be tempted to use your car — it 's a false economy , as you will discover too late just how much you own , after countless journeys .
8 Oh Angel , I wish you would marry her if you lose me , as you will do soon . ’
9 And er it took us a long time to get the special material because as you will gather , we tend to do everything properly , so we had to have the a cloth specially woven er handwoven of course and especially dyed and for once we had it especially fooled in other words the nap was raised .
10 So if you play small smoothly declarer , ( who is only missing queen , ten , five in the suit ) is almost certain to play a top honour on the first round , after which the contract will be doomed to failure as you will make a trump trick by force .
11 Stay put as you will change your mind again by the end of the month !
12 Such behaviour is essential when you are training your dog to run free outside as you will want to put it back on the leash at the end of the period of exercise .
13 As you will realise , some offences are predominantly working-class and others predominantly middle-class , and it is important that self-report studies do not include too many offences typical of one group or class .
14 But , as you will realise , the act of digging down towards the rabbit creates a lot of disturbance and vibration .
15 As you will realise I am a complete novice regarding these problems and would appreciate a little advice to sort them out .
16 But , as you will realise , the amount of money involved is not likely to be very large .
17 As you will remember from Chapter 2 Alexander himself suffered from asthma very badly as a child .
18 As you will remember in Chapter 2 , Alexander discovered that the cause of his vocal problem was that he was pulling his head back and down onto his spine .
19 As you will remember , the Emperor Maximus , having married the British princess Elen , remained in this island for seven years and therefore lost his right to return to Rome .
20 I would also like to say that er whilst we are going to talk about the housing allocations in the sort of strategic sense , across the county first of all , there are as you will remember er the matters of some disagreements , differences of opinion on demographic issues .
21 As you will have picked up , in my opinion fundamentalism is a dangerous enemy which has to be attacked at the level of the mind and of the heart .
22 As you will have guessed , my attitude towards him changed , so that when the frank speaking happened that day it was in the context of love and acceptance of him as a person .
23 ‘ I am way out of my depth here , as you will have realized .
24 The person was a friend and I knew she was a healer — although , as you will have realised , I had little idea what a healer was or did .
25 Its effect , as you will have read earlier in the book , is to protect you from ill-health rather than cause it .
26 As you will have realised by now this is not a fish for the person with a small community tank , but as long as you are prepared to provide it with the correct conditions , it is perfectly feasible for the novice to keep and breed the fish successfully .
27 As you will have already guessed , flexibility is the Rivera 's aim , both in terms of power output and tonal variation .
28 It is also advisable not to wear contact lenses , as you will have your eyes closed for quite a long time , usually about twenty minutes .
29 As you will have noticed , the strategies we have reviewed have been operating back along the stress cycle ( as shown in Figure 1 on page 70 ) at points nearer and nearer the source .
30 As you will have guessed , I 'm working .
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