Example sentences of "as you might [verb] " in BNC.

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1 G P is n't as up-to-date as as as you might hope with the information him or herself .
2 This is not as wild a question as you might suppose in a country where every Buddhist is a monk some time in their lives , and can slip into the habit again at any time .
3 It is true they hit very hard but they are often inaccurate and are not as useful against big units as you might suppose .
4 If you work in financial public relations you are not a generalist — you are a keen specialist for your work is not , as you might suppose , just about money but about investment , capital , tax , financial packages and products , stocks , shares , bonds , management and corporate reputations .
5 The affliction is not as rare as you might think .
6 Four Hearts , on the other hand , was not a success although the play did not go quite as you might think .
7 Reinforced concrete is an example , and is not as irrelevant to motorised transport as you might think .
8 That sounds simple , but it 's not quite as straightforward as you might think .
9 Strangely , these scenes do not name the church as you might think ; that honour goes to a fresco by an unknown sixteenth-century artist , the Madonna of the Passion , in the fifth chapel on the right .
10 You encourage or motivate your child by reinforcing his/her efforts , but this is n't as straightforward as you might think .
11 Not as rosy as you might think if you have to rely on just the state pension , or fail to review existing pension arrangements .
12 PRIME EXAMPLES PRS EG-1 & EG-2 As everybody knows , you have to pay for quality but , as Eddie Allendiscovers , the price is n't always as high as you might think
13 It 's a great technique and not nearly as difficult as you might think .
14 ‘ It was n't quite such a shock as you might think .
15 Seen from this point of view , what is remarkable about neurobiology is how much we know about the brain , not , as you might think , how little .
16 The purpose of a tie is not , as you might think , merely to hold a stem upright , but also to hold it firmly away from the stake and so avoid any possibility of chaffing or rubbing .
17 The problem is not , as you might think , that the butterflies are being trampled underfoot .
18 The appearance of these locomotives , north of Warrington , was not as frequent as you might think from a study of published photographs of the period .
19 ‘ Not so fantastic as you might think , ’ said Melissa .
20 Genuinely working-class , writing in the ‘ thirties , when there 's not as much interesting stuff as you might think .
21 Not as easy as you might think — Joyce had the same problem .
22 This is n't as difficult as you might think .
23 Erm so er i i i er , I think that erm , er er er y you 'll see that erm th th the the situation is n't , erm , er , perhaps quite as simple a a as you might , erm as you might think erm and , er , next year if that happened er , perhaps there 'd be headlines saying Pearson directors er , half their remuneration .
24 The subject of the degree is not always as significant in securing a job as you might think .
25 ‘ She 's not as soft as you might think .
26 Now , if child survival were simply a question of affluence as you might think it was , there 's no way you could explain these figures .
27 When is not as easy as you might think .
28 And the answer to the questioner is n't , is n't an arcane as you might think it is .
29 The first part of the programme consists of three short pieces : Cohan 's clever solo for Bhuller in which he discards his garments , in front of Crickmay blow-up photographs , to Britten 's Six Metamorphoses after Ovid ; Bhuller 's own Interlock , which is quite simply about an interlocked couple to the accompaniment of a sitar ; and a dance by Jonathan Lunn , to Philip Glass music , called Doppelganger which is , as you might guess , about a chap confronted by a woman in identical costume whose stuttery movements gradually blend into his own .
30 OKness is a concept ( American as you might guess ! ) from transactional analysis ( see page 167 ) .
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