Example sentences of "as i could [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't trust anyone as far as I could throw them : it 's as simple as that .
2 She seemed to be getting quite violent as I could feel the van sway from her leaning against it .
3 George was my favourite character in the book as I could feel what he felt inside me .
4 The snow was banked in humps at the roadside but I pulled in as much as I could to let him pass .
5 I thought of other things ; a fast hockey-match , an adventure story , the problems in a game of chess , a field of snowdrops and crocus in springtime , the Fifth Symphony of Beethoven and as many other happy subjects as I could conjure up .
6 Nobody destroys me , and nobody was going to destroy Johnnie so long as I could sit by his bed — some of his family tried to stop me — and will my life force into him . ’
7 I was obliged to write essays … where I gave myself up to an almost purely artistic rendering of such facts as I remembered , and such opinions as I could concoct by the help of memory , fancy , and the radical and the free-thinking influence of home …
8 M. Dupont , so far as I could observe , was not contributing to the discussions , and it was hard to tell from his sullen demeanour if he was attending carefully to what was being said or else deeply engrossed in other thoughts .
9 It seemed to me that as much happened as I could bear … .
10 This suited me very well as I could stay with her , only two miles down the A1 , as part of my annual leave at Chester .
11 I never ever had a running line as I could offer anybody , although you know when the museum come , when I had orders for two or three dozen .
12 Forty minutes of temptation was as long as I could last out in the cold , biting wind but an invigorating walk in such conditions has to be good for you .
13 by the time I had gone through five operations I decided that as long as I could breath , that would do me and I , I would really recommend every body to think twice before having any form of plastic surgery , particularly unless its , if its not absolutely necessary .
14 As far as I could discover , there is no suggestion that the residents in the defined area for our research see themselves as constituting a socially relevant or meaningful whole .
15 as many as I could think of
16 The experience as far as I could gather never disappoints : because of its own unique qualities , but also because of the attention we all pay it .
17 Instead of waiting to be salvaged , some of the inhabitants had got together in an effort to cheer things up , and , so far as I could gather from the film , they were busying themselves pasting pieces of brightly coloured plastic over broken windows .
18 As far as I could gather from the producer , my job would be to record this deterioration and then , without sounding too pious or moralistic , point out its implications for people who drink at work or when they 're driving .
19 As far as I could gather , Nour 's father had taken on responsibility for all his sisters , married or not , and for their offspring , and since his death Marie Claire had assumed the burden .
20 My head was n't really in the right state for assimilating all this stuff , but as far as I could gather , Uncle Rory had been trying for years to come up with something Creative ( his capital , his italics ) .
21 " As far as I could gather , what he was saying was some nonsense about the Easter Fete .
22 Pleasant to browse but unwise to buy as I could do without the extra weight of heavy tomes for the long haul after the town up past Hay Bluff to the Gospel Pass — a climb to more than 1,750 ft .
23 With me it was all too simple and evident , my behaviour — and I was a most law-abiding child — caused my parents pain , and as I could do nothing about it , certainly nothing to improve it , except to cease to exist , I grew more and more guilty .
24 It was as much as I could do not to join in .
25 As he tottered back to his seat it was as much as I could do not to applaud .
26 As much as I could do south of the equator
27 He agreed that I had gone about as far as I could go in Moose Jaw , and together we composed a night-letter telegram to Gladstone Murray in Ottawa requesting a reply to my job application .
28 I did n't stay to see it happen , just went as far up the fields as I could go .
29 Quinquennial , institutional review visits became more prominent , and Hornby commented : ‘ I shoved this as hard as I could go ’ .
30 I 'd be alright as long as I could go on a route where all I had to do was turn left but as soon as I turn right
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