Example sentences of "as it did in " in BNC.

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1 But whether his artistic life was , as a few think , exemplary , or , as rather more think , a fearsomely cautionary fable , it is at all events a matter of some solemnity , and the amused weariness of we-have-heard-it-all-before will not serve in 1985 as it did in 1920 or 1940 or even , scandalously , as late as fifteen years ago .
2 If that happens — as it did in Poland after 1976 , paving the way for Solidarity 's triumph in 1980 — then the regime 's days will seem numbered .
3 As a star , Bette Davis was of the type commonly designated ‘ inimitable ’ , which tends to mean ( as it did in her case ) that she eventually became the butt of countless imitators ; and these imitators merely accentuated symptoms of self-parody that were already detectable in her own screen presence .
4 On the other hand , neither did the faithful military figure so much here as it did in the political activities of the Smolensk party organization .
5 For all the turbulence and excitement that erupted with the Gang of Four 's break with Labour in 1981 , Britain looked as much a two-party system at the end of the decade as it did in 1980 .
6 This is particularly significant for Marx since it means that the communal principle does not fully come into conflict with the interests of individual constitutive families as it did in the ancient city , a contradiction which ultimately led to further developments .
7 Gironella 's solution was entirely individual : to focus on the art of the European past , looming large as it did in Latin American consciousness regardless of how often it had been declared dead and buried by Europeans .
8 But when consensus breaks down , as it did in Britain and the United States in the late 1970s , think-tanks become more avowedly ideological .
9 They were fighting for justice for the workers , a fine cause but one that had already proved useless in Russia , where the same old bureaucratic hierarchy held sway as it did in Spain .
10 Not only can the Commission assist complainants by bringing proceedings on their behalf , but it can also conduct a formal investigation , as it did in West Glamorgan .
11 Nearly all the world 's quinine came from Java , and , if Java fell into enemy hands ( as it did in 1942 ) , supplies would virtually cease .
12 Adultery features in this novel , as it did in Stand We At Last and Here Today , another of her novels .
13 Generally speaking , the law in California in this area developed in the same way as it did in England .
14 This process would continue indefinitely , with reversals taking place at intervals of as little as 100,000 years or as much as one million years , but with the overall result that the compass spent about as much time pointing in one direction as it did in the other .
15 The opening Adagio of the Sixth Concerto readily commends itself to one 's attention as it did in Stanley 's time , especially as performed on this fine recording .
16 The purpose of the vast megalithic constructions , for example , remains almost as mysterious now as it did in the nineteenth century .
17 Trained as they were , the psychiatrists on the screening tests had failed to scratch the surface of her most secret place ; had failed to detect the urge to self-destruction which would automatically bar her from G9 , as it did in the SAS and SBS .
18 More commonly , though still infrequently , the House of Lords will reject a Government Bill as it did in the case of the Parliament Bill 1947 .
19 The current flowing through the shunt is again controlled by an error detecting system in much the same way as it did in the series case , though the sense of the control has the opposite sign .
20 The sound of the forge echoes around the village now as it did in the 19th century .
21 It does not necessarily work as quickly as it did in Sylvia 's case — but it always succeeds , provided the patient does his or her homework regularly and conscientiously .
22 To questions about tax and public services , the public responded as it did in the days of Thatcher : by denying her creed of the Rich Samaritan and countering with approval for self-sacrifice and public services .
23 It 's a great feeling when you try something and it works out as it did in Cardiff back in 1982 when we beat Wales 34–18 and ended their 14-year record of home invincibility .
24 But in 1989 , 1990 and 1991 the Extended HGSC Index underperformed , as it did in 1992 up to the date when this issue went to press .
25 Perhaps because Western Christianity tended to express the faith in more rational and conceptual terms , mysticism never became as normative in popular and official piety as it did in other traditions .
26 No doubt my verbal articulacy , being greater than that of my unfortunate companion , helped me in this form of self-defence , as it did in my ability to lie .
27 Egypt offers dazzling contrasts of desert and rich pastureland , architecture older even than the mud-built villages where life continues much as it did in Biblical times .
28 ( Two hundred years earlier , as she demonstrates in her article , it was not seen as arbitrary , but prescribed quite explicitly on the grounds that the masculine was the ‘ worthier gender ’ and must take precedence in grammar as it did in nature . )
29 Well , he now has his stepmother to thank for the beautiful house that has been restored to look as it did in the 18th century .
30 In addition , the fear of imprisonment may instil the fear of rape into young , smooth , neat , corporate executives — as it did in the case of certain Watergate conspirators — and lead to a dramatic and welcome improvement in their behaviour .
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