Example sentences of "as it [be] [conj] " in BNC.

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31 Radharc programmes aim to show the viewer the reality of the world at home and abroad , as it is or as it was , with the apostolic object of evoking a Christian response to injustice , bigotry or pride .
32 With provocation we do not describe something as it is or as it could be .
33 But as it is as you say you know it took five minutes before it all happened in I find this very do n't you ?
34 The Secretary of State has given nothing today but bland generalities , and the situation will continue as it is until there is a change of Government policy .
35 diverting attention from his hopelessness , while helping the group to support him vis-a-vis the child to be helped — not by recounting their own success stories but by recognising what support potential he might already have , buried as it was but ready to be drawn out by support from others .
36 Manufacturers do put static protection devices on chips so the problem is nowhere near as bad as it was but it 's better to be safe than out of pocket .
37 With the breeze as strong as it was that lead never looked enough .
38 And just as it was that the woman was instrumental in the fall of the human race , so it was that another woman was instrumental in its restoration .
39 Apologists wishing to stress the harmony between science and religion may gloss over those facets of Christianity as it was that distinguished it from Christianity as they now wish it to be .
40 Unlikely as it was that Richard Branson would ever have quite the impact on teenage sensibilities of Duran Duran , the days he could walk down a busy London street totally unrecognised were surely numbered .
41 What we are supposing is that everything could have been exactly as it was except for the non-occurrence of the smell of the candles .
42 They also had in mind that the platform could be removed , leaving the warehouse in substantially the same state as it was before it was installed .
43 recover the text as it was before the editorial operation began .
44 Nor can any reconstructed , facsimile wilderness ever approach the condition of nature as it was before human influence became dominant .
45 They assume that everything will remain as it was before unless they are given specific notice that some aspect has changed .
46 I do not think that the problem which we have to solve is really assisted by considering in what respect his position is the same quoad the landlord as it was before the order was made .
47 You can correct the errors in the specified input file using the editor $EDIT which can be accessed by pressing PF1/1 — the Breakout key ; the use of this key is fully described in Appendix A. When you leave the editor , LIFESPAN will display the Scan A Module page once again , exactly as it was before regardless of whether you have or have not corrected the error .
48 In other words , to is used here to evoke : ( a ) the situation as it was before the infinitive 's event was realized , and ( b ) the movement of the support of the infinitive 's event from position ( a ) to the realization of this event .
49 He does n't , he 's not concerned about the individuality of the body but concerned about the surv in individuality of our personality as it was before we ca we went on this journey to the one .
50 She said : ‘ We are trying to re-establish the Lord Mayoralty as it was before the city had its pantomime period , ’ a reference to the time the Militant-dominated council abolished the position of Lord Mayor and replaced it with a Labour chairman .
51 ( Note that these figures are for a hypothetical population with the life history given by a , not for the life history as it was while the lines were selected . )
52 I recommended that the paper be published as it was because it would take Linde several months to correct it , since anything he sent to the West would have to be passed by Soviet censorship , which was neither very skillful nor very quick with scientific papers .
53 On any model , when knitting the neckline , start with the second side of the neck with the carriage on the same side as it was when you started the first side of the neck .
54 I thought — it was silly I know , but I thought perhaps seeing Aubrey had reminded you of Madeleine and that it was going to be as awful as it was when you came back from England after that holiday .
55 It was er The village centre is about the same as it was when I was a boy , more busier of course , all the private houses that were on the front , you know , Street ?
56 The men times the hours when whenever you whenever you get your answer , you can check that your men times the hours must still still be the same as it was when you when they gave you the question .
57 In this case , as we have seen , there is a bit of both , but the dichotomy is not logically false as it was when applied to development .
58 ‘ Pretending that everything 's exactly the same as it was when you first came here .
59 Such advice is becoming as offensive , ignorant and out of touch as it was when first uttered by the right hon. Member for Chingford ( Mr. Tebbit ) many years ago .
60 I just did n't know it was as much of a tribute as it was until I was told … rather abruptly !
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