Example sentences of "as and when it " in BNC.

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1 As the ruling only applies to the institutions named , SPUC intends to get further banning orders made against other groups and named individuals as and when it becomes ‘ necessary ’ ( Irish Times , 30 Dec. 1986 ) .
2 In the Indian sub-continent the cities have colonised the villages and the rural communities have gradually been eroded until ( ideally for industrial capitalism ) nothing remains but a pool of reserve labour which can be drawn upon as and when it is needed .
3 Kathleen Lavender had a respect for death , for the propriety of letting it take its due , as and when it required .
4 As and when it 's needed , out it will come . ’
5 But MI5 deliberately ignored them as and when it suited because it believed no prime minister or Home Secretary would interfere nor would any member of the service break ranks and tell the truth about what really went on inside MI5 .
6 Low-rise houses , on the contrary , can be improved and extended by their occupants as and when it is possible for them to do so .
7 They may conceive of it in piecemeal fashion , recognising particular boundaries as and when it is unavoidably necessary to do so .
8 Is there a wood preserver I could use on the wood which would be used for support piling , or will I have to replace it as and when it starts to rot ?
9 Over this , replace the foam , which will then act as a prefilter and which can be washed out as and when it clogs .
10 The rationale is that it gives artists a share in the value of their work as and when it is resold by dealers and galleries .
11 As the lambs become stronger and more mobile they can move freely in and out of defined heat zones , taking warmth as and when it is needed .
12 So , as I go round I 'll show you erm , how to use the mouse er a as as and when it becomes er appropriate .
13 Turning up here as and when it suited him .
14 Even in the case of a screening programme ( when doing nothing is a real option ) some cases would be found even in the absence of any organised service and there would also be the costs of treating disease as and when it occurred .
15 I would agree that some of our residential homes , in spite of difficulties do provide very good residential care for people with dementia and that ideally , we need a combination of residential care and cursing skills with good support from community and hospital psychiatric and paramedical services as and when it is needed .
16 It was argued that it would never be possible to produce these bitmaps in real time , ie to create each character as and when it was needed from a master outline .
17 In reality , what desktop publishing has provided is a new , cheaper tool for the professional to use as and when it is appropriate .
18 Charlotte realized he was still stage-managing their encounter , moving Holly into and out of the wings as and when it suited him .
19 open systems in the Unix context erm what plans do you have to integrate with N T as and when it becomes available ?
20 Yeah the question was er what are our plans to integrate with N T as and when it becomes available ?
21 Erm the cash as and when it does start coming through from er from B-Sky-B and the fact that you 've actually er promised some of that to read in lieu of the increased er erm equity stake indirect equity stake .
22 will not be in that category because it will be totally funded by the Department of Health ah as and when it comes along .
23 I 've asked them as well and this might take them into the second week er to start with their pupils process on a Wednesday morning whereby in each classroom there would be a me master year plan even if it means they have to buy four and divide it up but I su I suggest that I would do something , you know , produce one and on that they will write pertinent to the the form to the form er and continue to add on that over , you know as and when it 's relevant er , dates for completion of course work , it might be module testing etcetera and I 'm going to ask at briefing that any anything that a teacher has put down for children , it might be just you know Mi Mr x's group is mentioned at briefing so they can write down what 's pertinent to them and therefore
24 We would have to deal with that as and when it arose .
25 He finds the necessary justification for coercion in the justice or efficiency or some other contemporary virtue of the coercive decision itself , as and when it is made by judges , and he adds that consistency with any past legislative or judicial decision does not in principle contribute to the justice or virtue of any present one .
26 The Prosecution said he was a man with a fox like cunning and a devious mind who was ready to deceive and lie as and when it suited him .
27 Our aim would be to link in with all the caring agencies in the area and provide care and assistance as and when it was needed .
28 But I am sure that a dynamic system which is flexible enough to respond to congestion as and when it occurs and can cope over time with any land use intensity changes without modification , will be more acceptable to the travelling public than rigid systems .
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