Example sentences of "as we [vb base] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 SHRINK the world with our latest pen pals ' list as we visit India , China , Canada , Japan and Kenya .
2 I agree Macca seems to step out of the limelight somewhat … but AS LONG AS WE WIN WHO CARES ?
3 Half past two on a Wednesday afternoon on Trent F M as we join Rachel at the Careline .
4 As we contemplate God in the beauty of his holiness , he shapes our hearts and our desires to what gives him delight .
5 Wigner has to take his friend 's claim to experience as seriously as we take Wigner 's .
6 Sounds familier to me : - ) At the end of the day , as long as we keep Gav happy with content and we do nt compromise his position etc , then that s ok .
7 In the same way , as we trust God with our whole heart , we begin to listen to him appreciatively , intelligently , and with genuine willingness .
8 A masterweaver in Persia or Anatolia was held in the same esteem as we hold Rembrandt or Vermeer , and even today there are some textile artists whose reputation and status are equivalent to those of any contemporary artist in the West .
9 It is hot and the windows of the bus are open , the smell of orange trees moving through the vehicle , flashes of purple and crimson bougainvillaea brushing against the windows as we approach Baalbek .
10 As we watch Iraq being systematically destroyed by high-technology weapons — and the country 's apparent inability to respond — few can be left in doubt of the overwhelming superiority of the military technology of the industrialised powers .
11 Just as we enter Machico , we pass the Hotel Dom Pedro on the right , a favourite retreat for a peaceful few days .
12 In so far as we consider Bukharin 's theory of equilibrium in relation to his ideas on the theory of capitalist economic crisis we can see that contradiction is a key element in explaining it .
13 As we talk Tim unlocks the door to Julie 's office at the couple 's marketing consultancy company , Ranzau , in Milton Keynes .
14 This is unlikely as we have Ray Houghton , Eddie McGoldrick and Paul Byrne ( from Celtic ) who can play there .
15 We do n't come into the I just thought as we want Smiths and Intersports
16 But I just thought as we want Smiths and Intersports
17 ( The importance of this last condition will emerge as we discuss Poulantzas ' own approach , but it is initially justified in his work by an appeal to Marx 's and Engels ' claim that the class struggle is the motor of history . )
18 As we praise God for all our circumstances , seeing them in the light of his presence and love , then we become literally ‘ thankful persons ’ , transfused by a new radiance of joy and thanksgiving .
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