Example sentences of "as she had [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 She walked along the passage and came , as she had planned , to the window which made the end wall of that floor .
2 She ran quickly round to the front of the house , just as she had planned .
3 She felt he was looking at her professionally now : a woman who had only had two cups of coffee for breakfast , who had not gone shopping or taken herself out to lunch as she had planned , who , in the old days , never seemed to waste a minute , who never laid down in the middle of the day and yet was now stretched out on the bed , inert , apathetic , openly admitting that she had n't realised the time .
4 She would not let herself be diverted ; she would go on exactly as she had planned .
5 This meeting was not turning out as she had planned .
6 She realised with a suppressed groan that she was forced to justify herself to the chief superintendent in the same terms as she had defended herself against Christine Mills .
7 At the back of her mind , Miranda heard the ghostly voice of Buzz say , ‘ Any Latin lover can say ‘ I love you ’ , but she pushed the thought away , just as she had pushed away other silly possibilities .
8 But almost as soon as she had crossed the Channel , Leslie began to feel ill and off-colour .
9 Lori had declared as she had crossed to her .
10 Daniel had been offering to lend her his favourite book of poetry as she had developed a liking for it .
11 I 'm being silly , it 's not important , she had told herself sternly as she had brushed her teeth before hurrying down for breakfast .
12 A great looker , and he may have shown his admiration because she had ducked her dark head in mock embarrassment and given him the slowest smile as she had moved away .
13 As she had turned from him it had slipped down .
14 She had almost touched it as she had turned , and had seen again the blood on the sawdust and the fear and the faces staring .
15 As she had pledged that she was innocent , she offered no account as to why she allegedly hated her husband .
16 As she had suffered one setback after another-no money , another still birth , one or other of the boys in trouble with the police — she had turned more and more to the church .
17 Rachaela saw Ruth again as she had appeared .
18 She seemed to vanish as quickly as she had appeared , leaving Ianthe to be pushed forward into the train , where she stood in a daze until she found herself sitting down in a seat offered to her by a small boy .
19 It was perfectly true ; she had had a friend once who 'd changed personality at the drop of a hat as soon as she had conceived .
20 Hari decided that her mother must be told the truth , as she had pointed out , there was nothing wrong with her mind .
21 Linnet — who could doubt it ? — had endured untold agonies beneath her cool , just a shade too persistent smile , finding little consolation , perhaps , but hardly so much as she had pretended , in the renewed attentions of Uriah Colclough .
22 If she had really been as indifferent as she had pretended to be , then she would n't have reacted at all .
23 Although the Liverpool scheme collapsed shortly after her death , as she had trained no successor and there was no one suitable to replace her , she had proved the importance of professional workhouse nursing , and in 1879 the Workhouse Infirmary Nursing Association was formed .
24 However she was honest enough to feel that , as she had begun the courting by sending him the valentine , she ought not to refuse him now .
25 After that , she told Julia , she was even more afraid of leaving the doubtful sanctuary of the partisans ' camp , particularly as she had begun to feel rather ill .
26 It was as she had recorded .
27 By the time they made it back to the house she no longer knew whether she was as fine as she had insisted on telling him .
28 Doing as she had bid herself , she walked into the cottage and then spoilt it all by slamming the door .
29 It was out in the open now , her thoughts of that last hour as she had kept her lonely vigil .
30 In 1975 she had had to give up her job as a council clerkess as she had contracted asbestos-related pleurisy and pleural thickening .
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