Example sentences of "as they [vb base] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Some of them take a second or two to stop whirring and clacking as they wind tape off a drum .
2 Perhaps on a hundredth of those thousand times , seeing her there , it had moved him to think how in so many towns like Odborough men were looking up at her as they shut shops or walked home from mills and mines .
3 They are also quite intimidating , as they confront sitters with three-foot icons in their own image .
4 These value properties are , indeed , only really there in the world insofar as they qualify states of , or immediate presentations to , consciousness , since they consist in the various ways in which things feel good or bad to sentient beings .
5 Specifically , the history of English since about 1550 is often presented as what Lass ( 1976 : xi ) has called a ‘ single-minded march ’ towards RP and modern standard English , with divergent developments either excluded or admitted only in so far as they throw light on ‘ standard ’ English .
6 Just as they defy access , they defy organization by outsiders .
7 Critical opinion has divided specifically over the film 's most famous sequence : to save the commune the men eventually come together to dig a canal and as they dig tension is built up by drumbeats and speeded-up photography .
8 I move that the minutes of meetings of committees and sub-committees in sofar as they require confirmation be confirmed by the council , Except with regard to any matters still under consideration .
9 I mean even , even the first one firmly support the demands of the masses realize the principle of land to the tiller by taking land from the landlords as they combat collaborators , settle accounts with landlords , reduce rent and interest and get landlords to rech to , to return the average half portion of rent and interest .
10 There is no doubt that their super-sensitive barbules detect our lines just as easily as they detect food , but , fortunately for us , they usually accept our offerings in spite of the obvious danger they have felt , though the same danger compels them to take the bait ‘ hit-and-run ’ style .
11 With assistant manager Jenny Baker and head cook Sylvia Devey , the staff are very flexible as they cover evenings and weekend shifts as well as normal office hours , not to mention a licensed bar , silver service restaurant and function room .
12 Some donors have chosen to set up parallel offices to run their own projects , as they regard MOH departments as weak and inefficient .
13 Far too often we hear of the politics of policing , and of criticism of the police as they fight crime and protect the public .
14 Above us , tiny rounded ties sang high pitched , squeaky phrases , two-note chants , as they acrobat Ed up and over twigs , peering at the underneath of fat green sycamore buds for grubs .
15 Some characin fish there are seed predators as they crush seeds , which are not destroyed in the gut itself .
16 Japanese engineers are also adding some flourishes , such as steel rods inside the rubber bearings to prevent the isolators deforming too much as they absorb vibrations .
17 Try spider plants , as they absorb formaldehyde , which is found in synthetic carpets , underlay , chipboard and wood treatments .
18 These lovely girls with long fair hair were actually blood-sucking VAMPIRES who preyed exclusively upon young men as they lay sleeping .
19 Now , re-aroused , he curled his body to hers and slid into her lazily , as they lay side by side .
20 Their bodies were covered in a mist of moisture as they lay side by side .
21 I will hand myself in as soon as they free Boler or I am required to give evidence at Boler 's appeal .
22 ‘ We did meet once , as a matter of fact , ’ says Howard , as they shake hands .
23 Against that , Labour in the person of Harold Wilson had a more widely respected leader then it has now , and many experienced Tory canvassers are convinced that thousands of former Tory voters who are now thinking of defecting will gloomily return to the Tory fold within the next few days as they come face to face with the possible reality of a Kinnock government .
24 Cranfield came more into the game as they put pressure on City 's defence .
25 They also exert a fascination very much of their own as they slither round circuses and brush through old city gates , flashing arcs of lightning as they switch tracks on winter nights .
26 Some toothpastes are specially made to help keep your gums healthy , as they contain ingredients which fight bacteria .
27 As they contain water , the first application may cause the grain to raise on some woods , and a light sanding is recommended before applying the second coat .
28 Nevertheless , since evolution is a conservative process our brains are likely to contain some components in common with other mammals in so far as they contain features that were characteristic of the common ancestor .
29 Good pine shavings are best as they contain resin , which also acts as an insect repellent .
30 References to " poison pills " " shark repellants " and " golden parachutes " irritate some investors even as they impress others — and they flummox almost everybody .
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