Example sentences of "as it [vb -s] into " in BNC.

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1 However , the LEA will be responsible for the youth , adult and careers service and could well and an enhanced role to facilitate cooperation between the different phases of education , employers , voluntary organisations and the business community — particularly in the context of the Technical and Vocational Education Initiative as it goes into its extension phase .
2 If an old person is also disabled and requires special adaptations or improvements to her home , careful study of a booklet entitled Housing Grants and Allowances for Disabled People ( from The Central Council for the Disabled , 34 Eccleston Square , London SW1V 1PE ) can be very helpful , as it goes into great detail on the subject .
3 The 1984 decree prohibited the Baby Bells from R&D work , except insofar as it goes into their existing networks .
4 The federal army has this week strung a massive presence of men , artillery and tanks along the road from Serbia as it surges into Bosnia to help local Serb barons grab swathes of territory .
5 It sculptures caves in its banks as it falls into a deep ravine , and becomes sedate only in its later stages as it leaves its dale to lose its identity in the River Lune .
6 Furthermore , during production the guitars are left to acclimatise at various stages , so the wood settles down even further as it metamorphoses into musical instruments .
7 as it takes into account the point that I have just made .
8 I do not mean to imply that the biochemistry is primary , or any more fundamental in the reductionist sense than the physiology ; what I am saying is that changed biochemistry translates into changed physiology just as it does into changed behaviour .
9 The canal passes under the eastern spur of the M5 and then leaves the noise and traffic behind as it dives into a deep wooded cutting from where there is little evidence that the canal is passing between the housing estates of Grove Vale as the atmosphere is so pleasantly rural .
10 And , the most perplexing puzzle of all , just what is the phenomenal nature of the kingfisher 's experience as it gazes into the water ?
11 The planet grows to fill the screen , the saucer glows as it passes into the atmosphere .
12 As it changes into grass and becomes clothed
13 We now evaluate the product in reverse order : unc The reader is invited to check that , if B is resolved as it stands into unc then C = unc will also have its last row null , the zero eigenvalue thus repeating .
14 We are confident that any problems in the early days of the new system will be kept to a minimum , and that their effect will be outweighed by the advantages of the new system as it comes into full use .
15 These damned black marketeers are everywhere ; they siphon the stuff off as soon as it comes into the country , at the various stores and again at the local distribution points .
16 That helps them then deal with a call as soon as it comes into the switchboard .
17 It needs , as a minimum , some complementary statement of aims of what the NHS should achieve as it moves into the next century .
18 It is simply a system that combines proven practices for healthy soil with the best in modern biological knowledge and one that recognises animals as living creatures rather than inanimate objects Organic campaigners look forward to the day when organic farming provides most of our food and surely this is the best prospect for agricultural policy as it moves into the next century .
19 Even today , decades after I saw my first such microscope slide , I still think them extravagantly beautiful and can easily get lost in contemplation of the cellular thicket the microscope reveals , made the more intriguing by the curious , almost three-dimensional effect the stain gives ; as it brings into vision only a few of the total population of the neurons present , the cells seem to stand out like trees in a winter mist ( Figure 10.6 ) .
20 A long staircase , wrought-iron painted white , spirals upwards , hides itself in green as it winds into the glass roof .
21 It is essential to add that plate tectonics has crept into this matter as it has into every other aspect of the earth sciences .
22 Its importance , however , is not that we know when doubt becomes unbelief ( for only God knows this and human attempts to say so can be cruel ) , but that we should be clear about where doubt leads to as it grows into unbelief .
23 I feel the growing power of the sun as it lifts into the day .
24 City sources believe MB is the most likely suitor for Caradon as it reshapes into an international trading company .
25 The conference sparked off one of the liveliest debates ever witnessed at a conference on architectural history , and highlighted the need to reassess this period as it slips into history and , therefore , our heritage .
26 As it expands into the rural areas , it will have an even greater impact on traditional values and patterns of life , ’ he said , adding : ‘ The late advent of TV into Fiji may be a blessing in disguise .
27 As it expands into the rural areas , it will have an even greater impact on traditional values and patterns of life , ’ he said , adding : ‘ The late advent of TV into Fiji may be a blessing in disguise .
28 Swell waves running on to a coast break when the forward motion of particles at the wave crest exceeds the forward movement of the wave as a whole , a state of affairs caused by the wave retarding as it runs into shallow water and sometimes over-naively attributed to friction with the sea bottom .
29 As it crashes into its target , our hero breathes out sharply , tensing his whole body and sending shock waves shuddering through his clenched fist .
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