Example sentences of "as it [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 It will take a second Pearl Harbor for the Americans to realise how inefficient the NSA really is , just as it took the Falklands War of 1982 to reveal the deficiencies at GCHQ .
2 The rope beside Grant went taut and began to give off creaking noises of friction at the point where it disappeared over the edge of the stone coping , as it took the weight of the climbing man below .
3 As it made the historic journey from being a charity team for Irish immigrants in Glasgow 's East End in 1888 to being a European Cup winning team in 1967 , there is a widely held myth that the club resents spending money and keeps its funds in the infamous biscuit tin , a closely guarded money chest under the Parkhead bed .
4 As it made the attempt into a warm wind
5 The Department of Transport has refused to comment , as it says the matter is now in the hands of the courts .
6 Because you can never go back to yesterday , if you came in last year or five years ago , ten years ago or longer , some of you have been in the truth for many , many years and it is nearer now than it ever was when you first came along and joined Jehovah 's people and as it says the night is well along and if any of us have ever worked on the night shift , I think we 're all well aware are n't we that when the night is well along and
7 This has had a much more drastic effect on the reservoir quality of the rocks than vadose compaction or early cementation , as it affected the whole of the Hauptdolomit rather than just the upper portion ( Fig. 18 ) .
8 The court quashed the Minister 's decision on the ground that he should have considered the school 's application in the wider context and not only as it affected the particular school .
9 Referring to the " past tragedy of another people " as it affected the " present existence " of the Palestinians , and addressing " the Israeli people , with whom we have had a prolonged exchange of pain " , the speech noted that " the occupier can hide no secrets from the occupied and we are witness to the toll that occupation has exacted from you and yours " .
10 The fall at drinks and confectionery group Cadbury Schweppes was limited to just 2p to 468p as it announced the much-expected cash call to fund further acquisitions in the US .
11 So long as it maintains the idea that believers talking to unbelievers are like people explaining to the blind what it is like to see , reason may be tolerated .
12 This facilitates the smooth running of government and must be advantageous to those in government as it minimises the need to effect formal changes , a task which is time-consuming and may be beset with difficulties .
13 ‘ But that would reduce with A-T as it complicates the treatment .
14 Mr Nellist joins Isosceles as it plans the flotation of Wellworth , its Northern Irish supermarket chain , and the sale of Herman 's , its American sporting goods chain , to reduce its heavy borrowings .
15 It could be quite a useful preparation for a nervous or beginner skier as it relates the feeling of skiing to everyday activities , eg riding a bicycle and driving a car .
16 However , the IBA would not run Channel Four as a franchise in the same way as it ran the other regional companies , but would instead own it .
17 However , our basic model may be criticized in advance of this discussion in so far as it ignores the monetary effects of fiscal decisions and so may overstate the case in favour of macroeconomic management through this route .
18 For all insert editing operations , the feature known as ‘ flying erase ’ is important , as it enables the edits to be made cleanly without picture disturbance at the insert out-point .
19 Furthermore , it appears that electronic exchanges have wider bid-ask spreads , which might be a reflection of inadequate liquidity due to the lack of locals ( although there seems to be no inherent reason why individuals trading on their own account could not use an electronic system so long as it enables the scalping and other arbitrage trading practices typically carried out by locals ) .
20 Let the hand spring away as it touches the skin .
21 The four Commandos on the 3″ mortar were still firing their bombs , each as it left the muzzle of the mortar making a distinctive musical sound like someone blowing down a length of drainpipe .
22 that a simple explanation for the explosion probably lies in the condenser , which cooled evaporating xylene as it left the reaction and was specially designed to accommodate up to 50 kg of deposited tetrachlorobenzene , without blocking .
23 Corrected for radioactive decay , a linear interpolation of these figures to the Windscale source would indicate a ratio in the cloud as it left the Windscale chimney of 1:45 .
24 With an almost lazy climb the solid fuel missile , grapple irons extending as it left the short barrel , reached its zenith and fell back with a clang , hooking on to the deck railing .
25 Meh'Lindi reached into the trunk and lifted out a small tentacle , which squirmed as it left the stasis-field .
26 On July 8 an Albanian military transport vessel was seized by would-be emigrants as it left the port of Saseno ( also called Sezan ) near Vlore .
27 The obvious solution is to stop filling scarce space with bulky rubbish just as it left the bin : switch to recycling and incineration .
28 They saw the big armoured car shudder to a halt and the great black beast as it left the roof and plummeted towards them .
29 It changed as the Dornier accelerated away from them , and took on a rhythmic throbbing as it left the ground .
30 Lord Justice Higgins ' widow , Bridget , daughters , Mary , Lucy and Cait , and sons John and Matthew , led the cortege as it left the church for burial at Milltown Cemetery in Magherafelt .
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