Example sentences of "as [ex0] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 as there are between :
2 But it is not yet clear if the Echo technology will be used in production release software from Apple , as there are at least two separate ongoing efforts within Apple to move the Mac environment over to the PowerPC , one using a large amount of translation , the other a large amount of emulation .
3 But it is not yet clear if the Echo technology will be used in production release software from Apple , as there are at least two separate ongoing efforts within Apple to move the Mac environment over to the PowerPC , one using a large amount of translation , the other a large amount of emulation .
4 As there are at present few materials focusing on this aspect of discourse , the remainder of 8 suggests what such relevant activities might be .
5 Of course , there will be variations in the level of functioning as there are with normally hearing children , but we know that oral language can be their root of thought and communication .
6 There are as many constraints and ‘ lock-ins ’ with systems calling themselves ‘ open ’ as there are with their proprietary predecessors . ’
7 There are various ways about that as there are with many road schemes er where there are structure plan policies for a particular scheme and there are arrows on key diagrams , there are many ways of getting from A to B er they are not er in terms of outer and inner , they are going from the same A to B. They they start and finish at the same locations , it is just a different way of getting from A to B. Which quite properly as I understand it would be a matter for debate er either at the local plan or if a planning application is made er earlier than that er then at a at a planning enquiry into the specific road proposal .
8 Yes and there are different going rates for different things as there are with property , are n't there ?
9 The wind reduces such trees as there are to stunted survivors .
10 There are three generations of neutrino just as there are of every other particle .
11 There are nearly as many mentions of feet in the Bible as there are of bread and yet feet remain unsung ( except when Handel gives them their due with ‘ How beautiful are the feet … ’ ) .
12 Today there are about 35,000 species of crustacean — four times as many as there are of birds .
13 Of the basilica , which adjoined the Trajan Forum , there are only scanty remains , as there are of the enormous Basilica gulia in the Forum Romanum .
14 There are then ‘ tell-tale gaps ’ ( see Chapter 1 ) in a text for the illustrator as there are for the reader .
15 There are complex historical reasons for this , just as there are for differences in the amount of seasoning used in cooking .
16 Mr Thomas needs to realise that there will always be degrees and levels of wealth and privilege , just as there are for piloting skill .
17 It is true that there are some fringe benefits available to farm workers ( as there are for many occupational groups ) , but their value amounted to only an estimated £1 per week for free food and a net £2 per week for low-rent tied cottages ( Brown and Winyard 1975 ) .
18 If money or credit is no problem , you buy as many as there are on the market , and there is always a market unless the stock is suspended . ’
19 There are arguments here , as there are in relation to mistake , that the law should impose a duty on men to consider consent , and therefore should treat them as reckless if they have failed to give any thought to the matter .
20 There are many different ways in which death or divorce can alter the family pattern and there are no ground rules to help us know how to behave , as there are in the case of the traditional nuclear family .
21 Then , on closer inspection , it emerges that there are oddities in this particular instance ( as there are in so many cases ) and the quest is on to identify the survival value of these particular idiosyncrasies .
22 There are also no ligatures to confuse the start of the letter as there are in other letter positions .
23 There are in staffrooms ( as there are in every institution ) tacit rules that define what is collectively thought of as normal , acceptable , odd or inept and which therefore influence the kind of reputation and influence an individual has .
24 Bishop Konstant told the TV reporter : ‘ It is an area where there are great needs , as there are in many parts of Leeds , great social needs — but I think the publicity it has been getting recently is quite unbalanced and it is a good thing to see another side to it .
25 This is simply because there are no objective criteria about what constitutes ‘ health ’ in a society as there are in the case of biological organisms ( such expressions are examples of Durkheim 's much-discredited use of biological analogies ) .
26 I foresee a time when there will be degrees in Community Interpreting as there are in Australia and I hope that there will be a recognition of equivalencies will allow interpreters to work in the countries of both of their languages .
27 I can certainly confirm that it is our intention to ensure that the legislation contains proposals such as my hon. Friend suggested , just as there are in the legislation that applies to the rest of the country .
28 There are millions of refugees in Afghanistan , as there are in Cambodia .
29 These appear to be a stylised cornice pattern , i.e. a partial or simplified representation of the pattern which encloses the central square in mosaic B. There are no hooked leaves in the former — as there are in that of mosaic B — and those which are " erect " do not have the long , thin stem of their more elaborate counterparts .
30 By way of a reminder that there are apparently religious connotations , as there are in that December festival , there will be a special service next week in Masham Methodist Church .
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