Example sentences of "as [ex0] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 However , 100% supervision , even of early solo flying , is impractical for 365 days in the year as there are bound to be moments when the instructor 's attention is diverted .
2 As there are rejected bull teriers and battered Chanel handbags .
3 The sea is calm , but such ripples as there are flick the light from the sun about and refract the view of the pebbles so that staring over the edge of the kayak is like peeing into a kaleidoscope over whose speed of rotation you have no control .
4 We must search even where we least expect to find riches ; just as there are hidden joys in one 's own pain and suffering , there are subtle delights in the compassion and pity aroused by other men 's Gethsemanes — their gardens of sorrows .
5 David Graddol and Joan Swann for instance suggest that high pitched voices will lack authority as long as there are squealing children and low , growly dogs .
6 Its magnitude is officially given as below 9 , so that it should be invisible with binoculars ; I have suspected it with × 12 or higher magnification , but it is difficult to be sure , as there are scattered disconnected stars around .
7 A few patients remain very troubled and perhaps threse should be referred to a pain clinic for injection of local anaesthetic ( as there are published reports of its benefit ) or , rarely , to a surgeon for excision of the offending rib .
8 Industry critics further point out that the EIUG 's worries last year about sharp price increases did n't materialise , and such international price comparisons as there are provide little support for its case .
9 If a particular human is capable of handling the proper aspects of a gadget , which must include mental knowledge of its place in the Machine of Evolution , then it is possible to use it as an aid , but as there are increasing numbers of gadgets being invented and marketed , so the human brain has no time and space to see these in relation to its own life/thought scale because , upon being born , the human is thrown immediately into a multi-armed and legged wrestling match with levers , wires , buttons and switches and fails to grasp the meaning of it all , being occupied totally in rushing to partially master the use of one before the marketeers rush in faster with 10 new gleaming diversions .
10 This means that there are only half as many samples in the circuit as there are delaying stages .
11 Such evidence as there is derives from the studies by Westbrook et al .
12 On the international level , such security as there is derives from some sort of balance of power between states .
13 Such evidence as there is indicates that the Russians are still in Baghdad .
14 In the past thirty years , astrophysicists have discovered dust clouds , radio signals , X-rays , electric and magnetic fields in supposedly empty space , and it is now realised that there is as much energy/matter between the stars as there is contained in them and in all the planets as well .
15 There is as much in the Bill to ensure the success of buy-outs as there is to ensure good weather .
16 In these days of financial sweeteners , surely there are more votes in rescuing 18,000 , mainly elderly , investors from dire financial plight just as there is ensuring that the UK 's last home-grown car manufacturer remains in British hands ?
17 ( Foreigners , when it happened to them , sometimes considered it a manifestation of xenophobia ; but such evidence as there is suggests it was indiscriminate , an endemic propensity to sudden rigour which overcame individuals from time to time and afflicted everyone in contact with the official thus possessed . )
18 Yet such evidence as there is suggests that his love for his wife had been deepened by the way she had stood by him during his years in prison .
19 In fact , such evidence as there is suggests that male moths follow the second rule : on sensing bombykol they simply fly upwind .
20 The lands to the north and east of a line joining these two houses had in the ninth century been conquered and to some degree settled by pagan Scandinavians , who had destroyed the existing monasteries and several of the bishoprics , and such evidence as there is suggests that the Christianity practised within them retained aspects upon which the stricter kind of churchman would have frowned .
21 Such explanation as there is tends to rely on ‘ competition ’ as the major factor rather than on the elitism .
22 The local stewards , appointed by the Jockey Club , suspended the jockey , Colin Hawkins , for six days — from 14-19 February — for misuse of the whip but as there is racing in the north on only two of those days , Hawkins feels he has not been harshly treated .
23 I do n't care , as long as there 's fighting ! ’
24 Such activities as there were led to sporadic violence with communists and communist front organizations , such as the disruption of the International Class War Prisoners Aid meeting at Trafalgar Square in January 1927 .
25 And such arguments as there were had been settled without recourse to the courts .
26 During this time , such services as there were took place behind locked doors .
27 Such colour as there was drained from her face , and what was left of the biscuit fell from her hand .
28 Moreover , throughout the eighteenth century such Ottoman diplomacy as there was remained largely untouched by European ideas and values .
29 There is now twice as much double stranded sample DNA present in the tube as there was to start with .
30 In other words , FTC would be quite happy to share coverage of the game with the BBC and ITV , so long as there was give and take .
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