Example sentences of "as [pos pn] [noun] go " in BNC.

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1 L.L. ’ The paper fell into pieces as my wife went to move it .
2 I picked out the Plough , and Orion , and the Pleiades , and of course the long splashing trail of the Milky Way , but that was as far as my knowledge went .
3 So it 's quite simple there 's no as far as my bit goes it is erm erm it 's just really the as I say , the roof design 's going to be used to design the roof for us .
4 As my pregnancy went on , I wondered whether the baby was a girl and If I should soon be in a mother/daughter relationship with my own child .
5 ‘ Cork is as deep as my roots go .
6 As its days go by , we are left to imagine for ourselves Sarah 's anxiety .
7 The duel in which Lermontov was soon to die is said to have been patterned , so far as its arrangements went , on the one in the novel : the outcome , however , was perceptibly different .
8 His parents had died when he was only ten , she recalled , and , as her heart went out to him , all enmity in her against him ended .
9 As her arms went around his neck he held her close .
10 His mouth met hers and her shocked little gasp turned to a moan of hunger as she closed her eyes and kissed him at last , at last , and the brandy glass fell from her hands , shattering at their feet as her arms went around his neck , her mouth opening hungrily beneath his , her hands in his black hair , her body pressing against his as they clung together with intolerable necessity , unaware of the fragments of glass they trampled as Damian pressed her tighter , tighter until there was not an inch between their bodies .
11 She wanted to do that with him , yes , actually that ; she thought about it on and on and waited all week for the moment that might or might not come on Sunday morning in church when , as her cousins went first down the aisle , Tristram glanced in her direction and their eyes met and she was able to send a thought message which said to him , yes , I have n't forgotten .
12 Nell Anderson heard the splash as her raft went in , felt the five metre line slacken — then everything went wrong .
13 He could n't distinguish her from the darkness , but any lingering doubt that she might belong to the dream from which he 'd risen was dispatched as her hand went from his mouth to his bare chest .
14 Oh , heavens , she thought as her cup went down on its saucer with a clink .
15 ‘ Three times , ’ he corrected softly , claiming her mouth , which opened to him without protest as her body went limp .
16 Suddenly , though , as her glance went without her really seeing , over the coat-and-hat fitment , she was jolted to a standstill .
17 That was as far as their success went , though .
18 They might even get half the wall up , but that 's as far as their capital goes .
19 So far as their work goes it has point only as a mean to these .
20 That 's as far as their authority goes .
21 As their carriage went by , Nora smiling , Sarah aghast , Flynn came riding over .
22 The call-up is drastic , with farmers leaving their crops , and businesses crippled as their men go .
23 IN THE past women rarely took jobs that involved getting their hands dirty , though in the war they kept the wheels of industry turning as their men went off to fight .
24 But , as far as his memory went , the black markings were new .
25 ‘ He wo n't be here yet , my dear , ’ said old Mr Clare , as his wife went to the front door for the tenth time .
26 The first two weekends of the 1977 season were for Mario anyway marred by accidents : in Argentina the nose-mounted fire extinguisher exploded , and in Brazil he found himself sitting in a pool of petrol and got out of the car while it was still moving just as his cockpit went up in flames .
27 The crash in her ear as his phone went down told her that he did mind — and very much too !
28 As his reputation went before him like a brass band in front of a carnival , from the age of twenty no woman he met could possibly have been unaware of it .
29 In short , the origin of ‘ civilisation ’ might well be traced to man 's dawning understanding that the ‘ joie de vivre ’ experienced in childhood was being lost to the individual as his life went on .
30 His breath came short and as his head went under he could hear a faint grating of " gravel along the bottom .
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