Example sentences of "as [v-ing] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 The governing body was concerned that setting up its own separate committee structure would not only be perceived as competing with the existing structure ( with all the attendant risks of a developing ‘ us and them ’ mentality where one rarely existed before ) , but would also be repetitive .
2 Locate in Scotland , the agency charged with luring foreign multinationals to set up in Scotland , is generally seen as competing with the Welsh Development Agency and the Irish Development Authority to secure these coveted new tenants .
3 In the same way he never recognised himself as eating with a familiar spoon from a familiar plate .
4 The Ryúkyús were an autonomous kingdom , but during the Tokugawa period their king had paid regular tribute to China as well as trading with the lord of Satsuma domain in southern Kyushu , who treated the Ryúkyúan king as a vassal .
5 And nothing condemned a woman so swiftly to womanhood as grappling with a man .
6 Although no extraneous gas is used , CAMRA also frowns on the breather as interfering with the natural process of maturing and serving cask beer .
7 A bolt declared in the " instrument " domain may be specified as aligning with a hole declared in the " bracket " .
8 Although Richardson regarded himself as writing with a new realism , his novels gravitate towards the houses of the great as much as did the wealthier middle-class houses of his time .
9 The allowance can not normally be paid for the first time after pension age because it is regarded as overlapping with the retirement pension .
10 Robert 's interests shifted to Hertfordshire in the late 1470s when he married the widow of Sir Ralph Josselin , but even before this he is never recorded as acting with the duke in the north , and after Richard 's accession he was to move into opposition , along with his brother Roger .
11 Robert 's interests shifted to Hertfordshire in the late 1470s when he married the widow of Sir Ralph Josselin , but even before this he is never recorded as acting with the duke in the north , and after Richard 's accession he was to move into opposition , along with his brother Roger .
12 In addition , Alexander Hardinge , who had replaced Wigram as private secretary to the King and who constantly saw his loyalty as lying with the institution and not with the person , was available to come over at short notice and did so .
13 De Niro , in his funniest performance since Rupert King Of Comedy Pupkin plays a small-time New York lawyer keen to be someone , to make his mark by taking on the local crime boss/boxing promoter as well as tangling with the local barman 's wife played by Cape Fear co star Jessica Lange .
14 ( Alternatively we can read this as beginning with a clause in which the given is ellipted : ‘ although he was energetic and successful ’ . )
15 As coding with the Read codes can be more detailed than with other codes it will be more prone to error and may take longer .
16 It appears that all this time I too was working flat out , because , in addition to a heavy load of teaching , I was writing articles right and left , as well as tinkering with the political book .
17 The ITA could not regard itself as starting with a blank sheet .
18 There was a murder two nights ago in a clunch pit at Muddington — that Jacket is in exhibit and she 'll want to get on with that Is well as coping with the usual heavy load . "
19 Jane Duff comments : ‘ Once again the Undercroft team provided back-up for all the other workers , as well as coping with the large numbers of the public .
20 It is not good enough to use language which blurs the sharp reality , as for example : ‘ the ultimate control of the Company is seen in law as residing with the owners or shareholder ’ as if to suggest that there is some other and valid way of seeing it , a way which may put the ultimate control , at least in part , elsewhere .
21 As well as dealing with the punch , the rising block travels diagonally up and forwards into the opponent , catching him high on the attacking arm .
22 THE same day as dealing with the Sumner case , the Court of Appeal ruled on Mark Hill-Trevor who lost control of his car at high speed .
23 So article 7(5) of the Leasing Convention , which provides that nothing in article 7 is to affect the priority of any lien creditor , does not mean that lien creditors are to have priority over the lessor , merely that article 7 itself is not to be treated as dealing with the issue , so that resort must be had to the applicable law .
24 The Mercantile Marine Act 1850 was seen by the government as dealing with the other side of the problem — that of raising the standard of British seamen and seamanship and of protecting the seamen themselves from the tyranny of their officers and the depredations of the shipowners .
25 The Bank of England as well as dealing with the discount houses , now also deals with the other firms or ‘ dealing counterparts ’ on this market .
26 As well as dealing with the damage to the gallery , he 's determined to go ahead with the biography .
27 Thus she reads drag as playing with a threefold distinction : anatomical sex , gender identity , and gender performance :
28 The programmes were viewed by critics as complying with a US policy which emphasised drug eradication over the development of viable alternative crops , without which the livelihoods of thousands of peasant farmers were seriously threatened [ see pp. 37243-44 ; 37451 ; 37708 ; 38094-95 ; 38143 ] .
29 Their visibility or otherwise , the ways in which they are coded , policed , censored , constructed , praised or punished , the ways in which and levels at which they are represented as engaging with the viewer , and the contexts in which women 's bodies are placed in images and how images of women 's bodies are then distributed and consumed — all this adds up to a subtle politics of the representation of women 's bodies .
30 Her face was flushed and her eyes were bright , as burning with a fierce love .
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