Example sentences of "as [pers pn] [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Then he may join me indoors when he 's had enough , as I already have . ’
2 My difficulty is as as you 've already heard I 've got no mandate to speak about particular locations or even sectors within Selby District although clearly I do have a mandate as I already have said to come along and say that we feel Selby District is an appropriate location .
3 It was going to be a long night , as I also had to finish an already over-due essay on Swedish expansion in the seventeenth century ( it would have to be a goodish one , too ; an earlier remark — made in an unguarded moment during a methodically boring tutorial — ascribing Swedish territorial gains in the Baltic to the invention of the Smorgasbord with its take-what-you-want ethic , had not endeared me to the professor concerned ; nor had my subsequent discourse on the innate frivolity of the Swedes , despite what I thought was the irrefutable argument that no nation capable of giving a Peace Prize to Henry Kissinger could possibly be accused of lacking a sense of humour .
4 Well as I actually had to going round the corner , to get myself round the corner , I had to come off the brake and onto the accelerator
5 This is mainly because of Keegan ( but partly 'cos my wife 's family are Geordies ) as I actually have a lot of time for the individual players ( Beardsley/Cole/ Sellars especially ) .
6 I have , as I ever had , the fullest confidence in your honour , and am willing in all things to deal with you as man with man .
7 ‘ In so far as I ever had snake hips , they have gone since I came here . ’
8 He said : ‘ I felt unfortunate to lose that tournament but it told me I was good enough to win a major and I 've come here hitting the ball as well as I ever have . ’
9 ’ At the age of 21 I turned to prostitution to provide money for drugs as I now had a heavy addiction .
10 It was felt by some members , the secretary told me , that as I now had a residence in Edinburgh , I ought to become a fully paid-up member .
11 If I do need to remove the fish can you give me any suggestions on housing them temporarily while the tank is cleaned as I only have one tank .
12 This , however , caused me untold problems , as I then had to ‘ answer ’ to the officer and see a tutor at the nursing school to explain the reason for such criticism .
13 I hope you find a stay in Milan as rewarding as I always have .
14 ‘ I 'll do my best , Dick , as I always have done , ’ replied Rochester , shutting the door of the carriage , which rolled away .
15 Keep up the good work as I still have a lot to learn .
16 Keep up the good work as I still have a lot to learn .
17 This struck me very forcibly , as I too have occasionally had both sorts of flying dream , and while floating is quite enjoyable , flying at tree-top level is much more satisfactory .
18 Probably the same as you just had .
19 However , as you now have another set-up available for aerobatics the model can be made less sensitive .
20 ‘ This is definitely not the breed for everyone as you often have a battle of wills to keep control .
21 And I I , I hope that I , I hope there 's a good variety of people will again , as you always have done will turn up er , this year to share fellowship a , on this theme which er , is is a refresh theme I think for , for many of us .
22 The name of John Gould soon became synonymous with the fantastic bower-bird , and gave a new ornithological slant to one of the popular songs of the day : ‘ Will you join in the evening and charm us as you ever have done at the piano ’ , asked Gould of Mrs Owen shortly after his return , ‘ …
23 ‘ Anyway , we should be getting back upstairs , as you still have to change , ’ Nicky mentioned .
24 ‘ You mean as much as you apparently have — about Petula ? ’
25 You have two wives to keep , the one you are living with here , who is really your mistress , and I believe rather expensive , particularly as she already has a daughter , and your wife proper who will not divorce you and is living in the Argentine with your two children , a boy and a girl .
26 And when Laura had protested , as she frequently had , he had merely pointed out with brutal logic , ‘ You knew I was a businessman when you married me , Laura .
27 This change in Pip 's attitude and behaviour and perhaps his realisation that he is not a true gentleman is his final change from contentment , to discontentment and snobbery to finally semi-contentment though I think he knows he can not be fully content with reaching some sort of conclusion with Estella as she still has his heart .
28 Her ties will remain strong as she still has many family connections .
29 He suspected she 'd shoplifted it , as she usually had some small item in a plastic bag , too .
30 It seems to be the case as she currently has up to 200 various groups and organisations on her books .
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