Example sentences of "as [pers pn] [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 But Miss Kenton had departed , and sure enough , as I continued with my work , an occasional footstep or some other sound would serve to remind me she was still there outside the door .
2 It would also allow me to experiment as much as I likes with the interesting colours of the Winsor & Newton Artists ' Acrylic Colour range and with some of the techniques that are particularly well suited to the acrylic medium .
3 As I struggled with my heavy bag at Navan , a strong old man ran to help me .
4 But to me as I struggled with his detoxifying diet , he was a disembodied , stern sounding voice , a god who had handed down the law .
5 But at once , for very fear that the bearded man who had reached out as I struggled with my hamper ( ‘ No , no , I do very well , thank you ’ ) might follow me and find out everything , I hailed a porter and then a cab , assuming a confidence I did not feel .
6 That morning , as I lay with my teeth chattering in anticipation on the wooden floor of the supply hut , I heard five more explosions .
7 I must say I agreed with them as I agreed with some of the misgivings expressed by our German colleagues , too .
8 Right just one last thing that we need to think about is that as I said with the with the learning styles , there 's no right or wrong
9 And why should n't I do as I please with my own body ?
10 He has raised the reputation of the Chelsea Garden so much that it excels all the gardens of Europe for its amazing variety of plants of all orders and classes and from all climates , as I survey with wonder and delight , this 19th July , 1764 .
11 It was a large field and I could see the barn at the far end as I walked with the tall grass brushing my knees .
12 I hope they will never feel as frustrated with their parents as I felt with mine .
13 I am writing as I disagree with various comments made in an article entitled A Pair of Glasses … by Linda Lewis , as I feel that it gave Indian Glassfish a very negative press .
14 Much as I sympathise with the plaintiffs , it would , in my opinion , be extending the implications based on the maxim … to an unreasonable extent if it were held that what has been done in this case was a breach of an implied obligation .
15 In very much the same way as I suggested with my analogy of the German and English rowers ( Chapter 5 ) .
16 As I dealt with the conditions and consequences of affluence , ’ he explained , ‘ under which the existence of the poor had been buried , the poverty I had set out to write about got pushed further and further towards the back of the book .
17 The phone is ringing as I fumble with the key , my bladder is bursting and as I fall into the room I 'm undecided which call to answer first .
18 Oh it is now yes , you 've got , I mean you 've got the service now have n't you and erm , but I like at St Margaret 's hospital I 'd been , I had been , I went in there to have my last boy , but they 're very , very good there they were , I 've not been in , I 've been in , I 've had treatment here for my hip and that up at Harlow but they would n't do the operation because of my blood clotting you see , so therefore I 've got to grin and bear it , I 've had eight years of it , I could n't walk for six months , but now I struggle and get around as I say with a couple of sticks I get round
19 You know and , as I say with my partner I have n't mentioned it yet , this business about cover
20 I never understand why the teeth of winter bite so cruelly down into the bone , how daylight sickens from the east , why Elsbeth is so chill as I lie with her , why the nights are so long , without word or gleam .
21 She left this house to us , and an allowance to Emily so long as she did n't marry , and one to me so long as I stayed with her .
22 As I tussled with Christianity and to order the world in my head , I became conscious of an oscillation of temperament .
23 As I enter with the lacquered tray ,
24 Why , she thought , he is so much more uncertain than I am , he has lost touch with the world of women , as I have with the world of men .
25 I shall also attempt with Dorothy Heathcote , as I have with the other pioneers , to point to innovations or assumptions which are implicit in her work and which she herself may not have articulated .
26 I have covered the whole year , but because January is in your shops , February already subscribed , March imminent and April only recently covered in my monthly column ( 11th December ) , I have not been as detailed with these four months as I have with the rest of the year .
27 A Plymouth dockyard labourer 's daughter lived across the road ‘ as much with grandma as I did with mother .
28 But I should say that if I had to buy them , I would do as I did with the ones I have — buy from a breeder .
29 Perhaps the best way to write this kind of story ( or even the equivalent of the detective novel at short story length ) is to do as I did with the first crime short story I ever wrote .
30 Inevitably , the image of his father , the image of his family , the image of his class , were at the forefront of this searing reappraisal : When my father was fifteen years old , he did not go for holidays on beaches , as I did with his money .
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