Example sentences of "as [pron] [vb mod] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 ( Jones , as everyone would have expected , welcomed his vanquished opponent on board with great courtesy , and invited him to his own wrecked cabin for a glass of wine . )
2 Social harmony and peace would prevail as everyone would have their range of roles to play and would know how to play them .
3 And all was well , as everyone could see when big , proud , handsome and scatty-but-obedient Moby launched himself out of the car ( on command , of course ! ) for the video cover photo call .
4 The amount of new housing in Northern Ireland , as everyone can see , has changed the housing situation from one of the worst in Europe to one of the best in Europe .
5 On arrival I surveyed ( as everyone must do ) the chimneys .
6 Admissions staff say students should n't panic as no-one will lose a place .
7 Ironically , at the start of a relationship it may not seem relevant to use anything as nothing may happen , so it may not seem worth all that trouble to get the Pill .
8 Nothing in our four days on the felucca with this sullen boy had prepared us for this , as nothing could have prepared him for that afternoon in Asyut .
9 As someone might discard an empty mixifoam container .
10 ‘ Sorry about the bang , ’ she called , much as someone might apologise for slamming a car door too loudly , and she started to walk towards him .
11 And they say he will fashion any spell so long as someone will pay him enough . ’
12 For me , therefore , the issue of the death penalty is primarily — though not , as I shall admit , wholly — a practical one .
13 I will give the same careful scrutiny to that application , if it reaches me , as I shall give to applications from Princess Margaret Rose orthopaedic hospital , from Lothian college of nursing , from the Victoria infirmary in Glasgow or from any others which express interest .
14 As I shall explain in the next section , this earlier privileging of intellect was intimately connected with resistance to nominalism , and , in the seventeenth century nominalism triumphed .
15 And , as I shall explain more fully in Chapter 2 , it is quite possible to ensure that they do not suffer in any way at all , whether mentally , physically or emotionally .
16 Sadly , as I shall explain , the facts do not bear out the interpretation given to them by the Foreign Secretary .
17 The idea of the triple alliance gives a concrete ciass structure to dependency of various types and , as I shall go on to argue , it is the economic , political , and cultural-ideological power of the triple alliance ( expanded into a transnational capitalist class ) that keeps any development that takes place ‘ dependent ’ .
18 The weight of the evidence is that it is growing stronger and more united and , as I shall go on to argue , this can be best explained within the context of the culture-ideology of consumerism .
19 We have mainly been concerned with the modern ‘ computational ’ version of the representational theory of mind ; but , as I shall mention again later , the more traditional views of mental life are no less representational — phenomenology , for example , is a representational theory of mind .
20 Even this affects church life , as I shall show , but we must recognise that it is not only rank hedonism that flourishes under private banners .
21 There is a perceived identity in looks and dress between Chewong and the leaf-people — and , as I shall show , in their personalities .
22 The effect of our experience was , as I shall show , to confirm and extend that belief .
23 When they are not speaking London English , they may choose to " talk black " or " chat Patois " : but this " black " variety , as I shall show below , is focused on Jamaican Creole in particular .
24 I 'm speaking here of the period of conventional warfare by the way , this is not the case with nuclear war as I shall show in a later lecture .
25 If you attend that meeting I shall be forced to treat you as I shall treat the others .
26 Something of the sort seems to be true for migratory birds , who have some practical grasp of the earth 's magnetic field or of stellar constellations ; and , as I shall suggest presently , the kingfisher may have some practical grasp of the refractive properties of water .
27 Bourdieu is , as I shall suggest below , importantly a sociologist of modernization .
28 However , as I shall indicate in my concluding chapter , there were faults in Bukharin 's own work .
29 The novel , however , exhibits particularly subtle and complex interweavings of these modes of presentation , as I shall indicate more fully later on .
30 The last step in the reasoning is stated in terms which are unnecessarily wide for the facts of this case and , as I shall indicate later , unnecessarily wide in principle .
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