Example sentences of "as [pron] [was/were] with " in BNC.

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1 There is no one here who cares for me or will look out for me and I must shift for myself in everything which is not easy now I am big with child and not well as I was with my first-born .
2 Acquainted as I was with his peculiar notions on the subject , I could not help saying , ‘ My dear sir , you must be cold , thus exposed ’ , and he said ‘ No , I have plenty of clothes on my bed , a large fire in my room , and with this pure air passing freely to my lungs , I shall live a few hours longer : but to-day , I think , is my last .
3 You know I 'd be happy on a bicycle as long as I was with you . ’
4 I wanted you to be as much in love with me as I was with you . ’
5 I am a self-contained person : neat and elegant : or was until I met Eleanor , who , disgraced , childless , alone , sprawled and wriggled against the shiny black sofa with the big red flowers , and I knew I would rather be her , her life out of control , than me as I was with Lou ; a woman whom an editor could describe as ‘ the mistress of controlled reportage ’ .
6 I am disappointed with the attendance in the Chamber today , as I was with yesterday 's attendance .
7 Or am I playing some deep game , as I was with the choice of accommodation ?
8 Hope those who were watching the game on BBC1 were as disgusted as I was with Englands performance .
9 Do you think I could have been as I was with you if I was already heavily involved with someone else ? ’
10 ‘ You are as skilful as you were with my wife , Wilson , ’ he remarked .
11 ‘ But surely he must have been almost as concerned as you were with Mr Riddle 's activities , particularly about the fields at the camping site . ’
12 ‘ Hell 's teeth , ’ he ground out , ‘ were you as clinging with him as you were with me ? ’
13 Contented as she was with the house , Virginia was always to cast a glance over her shoulder at her sister , living just five miles away at Charleston .
14 She felt sure that Freddie Nash was as in love with her as she was with him for there was hardly a day when they did not manage to meet , often in Jock Hallett 's cottage , where their mutual passion , already discovered at The Angel , seemed to intensify .
15 Laden as she was with her day 's purchases , Jude chose to walk back to Marlin 's apartment at Park Avenue and 80th .
16 Obsessed as she was with her unknown rival , Charlotte never quite dared to seek her out .
17 She had given herself totally up to him , and did not care what happened to her as long as she was with him .
18 Unfamiliar as she was with the niceties of English social life , she wondered why she should be surprised .
19 There were still huge crowds of people hanging around the paddock , and Kate had quite a time , burdened as she was with the luggage , to push her way through .
20 There are no children to spoil things as there were with Noah .
21 Short , stocky mestizos , there was no pretence or possibility of disguise with these men as there was with his charter party .
22 There was no history of association with this convent as there was with St Mary 's in Knockglen .
23 Medical practitioners were only too well aware of the social differences among their patients , and hence were as much preoccupied with class as they were with gender .
24 He was at the mercy of crack-brained adults just the same as they were with crazy Sylvester .
25 Each time I 'd wondered how they carried such a heavy load : how the pine-needles even stuck together , bound as they were with a single length of rope .
26 Obsessed as they were with hygiene and cleanliness , the Corporals had been worried ever since we had arrived at Orange that some of us were not adept at emptying our bowels neatly .
27 After all , if a fellow was not allowed below waist level — and the all-in-one pantie girdle was impregnable without traitorous and lustful help from the inside — then what else was there but hours of despairing mauling of the mammaries , offered up as they were with the aid of uplift-under-wired-half-cup-sponge-rubber-lace-nylon and steel display cases .
28 Gone are the scents , colours and sounds of the meadows of the past , alive as they were with bees , butterflies , grasshoppers , frogs and voles ; gone are the wildflowers and rippling purple headed grasses .
29 He remembered the release he had felt when he had first heard the teachings of Akhenaten , which had cut away the rotten trappings of the old beliefs , festooned as they were with the cynical speculation of the priests .
30 Even the wars and internal reforms of Peter I , bitterly unpopular as they were with great masses of his people , could not eradicate the feeling that the Tsar was , in some ultimate sense , the father and protector of the ordinary Russian .
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