Example sentences of "as [pron] [was/were] by " in BNC.

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1 As everyone was by then in a state of complete exhaustion they did little for the next two or three days except sleep .
2 I write with a strong sense of the necessity of continuing our — talk , and without premeditation , under the impression that you were indeed as much struck as I was by our quite extraordinary to ask if it would be possible for me to call on you , perhaps one day next week .
3 As you listen to Dr Carrington 's wife and doctors , you may be struck as I was by their candour and sincerity .
4 When I woke up I was almost as amazed by the fair hair as I was by the sex , because both his ‘ father ’ and I are very dark .
5 Surrounded as I was by supremely negative images of homosexuality such as ‘ the man in the dirty mac living out a lonely old age in a filthy garret ’ , I still felt that there was for me a clear choice between expressing or repressing my homosexual desire .
6 But fascinated as I was by these aquatic birds , I longed to see the falcons and owls I 'd seen at the zoo flying free , and this is a rare occurrence .
7 And forced as she was by circumstances to bring her own dirty and vicious brood to work with her , she took a great pleasure in letting them loose on the two youngest Milligans , deliberately ignoring their torments and teases .
8 And Anna was getting restive , dazzled as she was by the new prospect .
9 If he could take her now , overpowered as she was by her emotion , and take her quickly , before she started to reason and to be afraid again , then he thought he would be able to keep her .
10 Shaken as she was by his startlingly generous gesture , and weak with relief , it did n't occur to her that his words , or his actions , might be open to a different interpretation .
11 Astonished as she was by this bitter description of the home she loved , Louisa kept her voice gentle .
12 Her mother , once rid of the armour-plated respectability of Maître Henri and his phalanx of parents , brothers and sisters , all devoted to the law , had married a happy-go-lucky literary exile from Leeds , as nearly as possible his opposite , and the half-English , half-French child had been absorbed into their slapdash household with the greatest enthusiasm and affection , and never given time to doubt or worry , surrounded as she was by joyous evidence of her own importance and value .
13 But how could she rest easy , Theda thought in despair , beset as she was by hideous visions ?
14 Then the tense silence was broken by a frightened whimper from Louise , held helpless as she was by the paralysing steel-fingered grip on her neck .
15 Marc Alexander Vila was as turned on by her as she was by him .
16 Devastated as she was by the news of Liz and Owen 's terrible accident — and the knowledge that their lives were hanging by a thread — she was also feeling dazed and stunned at her husband 's dramatic reappearance in her life .
17 Very much shaken as she was by the assault , she nevertheless would not have voluntarily given up her job — but she did not get the choice .
18 Young people whom we knew to be honest , stung as we were by the sufferings of our Fatherland , lived convinced that Cuba 's independence was a Yankee gift and that our denunciations of national oppression were simply ways of serving an idea that they considered to be ‘ anti-Cuban ’ ( ‘ Reflexiones ante un aniversario ’ , Hoy , 29 July 1959 , p. 1 , cited in Farber : 1983 , p. 61 ) .
19 Eternal values can also be sought in art , as they were by the French art historian Élie Faure , whose open mind accepted disparate arts , a view which he expressed like this : ‘ It is not paradoxical at all to affirm that an Ivory Coast mask and the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel express the same need to manifest a harmonious rapport which exists between mankind and the universe . ’
20 It took a while for the true magnitude of his achievement to dawn on the crowd , shell-shocked as they were by the defeat of their hero .
21 Little justice could be done , especially among the nobility , obsessed as they were by family pride and the need to revenge their kin ; instead , in order to attract them to his service , the king had to remit the penalty of death .
22 How could a sovereign who reigned by the will of the people resist totally such overt manifestations — confirmed as they were by the reports of similar sentiments being expressed the length and breadth of France ?
23 Outsiders , who generally initiated the drainage , were as unimpressed by the men of the marshes as they were by their stagnant swamps .
24 Today 's children are still enraptured by the approach of the illuminated cars along the Promenade , just as they were by the Gondola and Lifeboat in days gone by .
25 This may in turn have caused the forelegs of prosauropods ( the Triassic forerunners of sauropods ) to become more massive , stimulated as they were by the repeated dropping onto all fours when moving slowly .
26 The Football Association are sure to be unswayed by this set-back , as they were by the failure to score in the opening European championship games against Denmark and France and then by the defeat by Sweden .
27 But , as we have seen , other products of social organisation , such as seals and medallions , can have this quality too and , in the right conditions , may be aptly considered more reliable , as they were by the medieval knights .
28 Likewise , at the time when armies and their accompanying equipment were being shipped over to France , efforts were made ( as they were by Henry V in 1417 ) to keep the sea-lanes lanes clear by sending out other ships on patrol , thereby ensuring a minimum of safety for those going to fight abroad .
29 His moves within Russia towards ‘ openness ’ ( glasnost ) , accompanied as they were by freer elections and the release of dissidents , including Sakharov in 1986 , impressed Western public opinion .
30 Guided as they were by scientific socialism and the objective interests of the proletariat , the social origin and educational background of party cadres became irrelevant .
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