Example sentences of "for really [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If they 've asked for really impossible things , it means the whole siege has been done for publicity — and they 'll probably kill Liam whatever happens .
2 Use a craft knife for really sharp edges .
3 Then we could ask for really good singers .
4 Ah , thank you very much , she said we 're very appre very much appreciate the fact that you 've given up your time to come and talk to our members you see we ca n't afford to pay for really good speakers
5 My tip is to go for really good quality ski pants in black with braces and team that with a jacket that suits your style .
6 The most important choice facing today 's buyer is n't whether to buy direct or from a dealer , but whether it 's worth paying extra for really good quality support and service .
7 For really deep work . ’
8 Eruptions of demand for really cheap transport take me back to student days , when a lack of wheels was a disaster .
9 Now that the PM was on his Scottish sickbed , George was a near-flat battery , hoarding his last sparks for really crucial issues .
10 We 're always on the lookout for really great Megatape games , so if you think your game comes up to scratch , send it in !
11 For really serious students , the reports of and evidence to the House of Commons Select Committee on Tax Credit is a very rich source indeed ( HOC , 1973 ) .
12 A curious system prevailed whereby the Library could beat offenders but the housemaster could not : he had to refer the matter to his Library or , for really serious offences , to the Headmaster or Lower Master .
13 For really powerful graphics performance — for handling 24-bit or video images , for example — you 'll need 2.5Mb of RAM .
14 It used to be for really petty things like not standing up , or shouting out the window , running up the dinner queue and pushing it .
15 Burning the stuff cost $50 a ton in 1978 ; in 1987 fees ran at over $200 a ton , or $2,000 for really nasty wastes .
16 For really low conditions , you may only be able to fit quadrant curves , or slightly more elaborate variations , into both corners , leaving the centre almost flat , giving you a semi-elliptical shape .
17 We think you will be surprised at the remarkable effect this relatively modest-looking quantity of food will have in satisfying your appetite for really long periods .
18 For really top class Joplin you need pay only a little more for a selection from Dick Hyman 's complete survey mentioned above , but at less than a fiver , Arpin 's disc will do very nicely for a representative sample of Joplin — which is really all I can take in a single sitting !
19 For really reliable stability a design should have a rate of closure in the Bode plot of less than 6 dB per octave and all break points of the linear approximation should be at least a decade in frequency away from the intersection corresponding to .
20 Also , the cassettes are cheaper than any of the other formats , blank tape being widely available in a variety of qualities which extend up to the ‘ PRO ’ grade for really important recordings .
21 In very wet weather you may need to resort to a weedkiller like Weedol to kill annual weed seedlings , although chemicals are best kept for really problematic weeds .
22 I go in for really frumpy underwear . ’
23 In the wider field of information processing in general , the development of computers and other sophisticated instruments has opened up a great many possibilities for really elaborate information retrieval techniques , but there remain very substantial difficulties of thesaurus control which librarians and information scientists in , particularly , the United Kingdom are at present exhaustively examining .
24 The vast rooms of that great Tudor mansion allowed him to indulge his taste for really large canvases , and the full-length portraits by Gainsborough and Batoni , the enormous hunting scenes and game larders by Snyders , and a life-size nude by Palma Vecchio all looked wonderful in their new setting .
25 For really large systems this will have the consequence that the only paths which contribute significantly to the final result will be those in a region where the action changes as slowly as possible , since here the cancellations are minimised .
26 For really devoted film fans , Sky TV are screening the whole ceremony live , staring at 2.30 a.m. on Tuesday .
27 Head-to-toe gold makes a dramatic statement for really special outings
28 For really extreme positions in the air you can try an angled approach the the wave face .
29 What would be the best type of jigsaw to use for really intricate cutting ?
30 However , for really intricate cutting , a machine with scrolling action can give more accurate control .
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