Example sentences of "for many [noun] [art] " in BNC.

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1 For many writers the phenomena which are under discussion here are part of more global tendencies .
2 The dominance of the corporate publishing sector is such that for many writers the most available social relations are those of employment in this sense , with the ideas for books coming from new professional intermediaries ( publishers ' editors ) within the market structure , and authors being employed to execute them .
3 For many writers the ‘ conscious parallelism ’ in prices associated with price leadership is the very essence of tacit collusion .
4 For many others the choice of hymns is probably restricted to ‘ Love divine all loves excelling ’ and ‘ Away in a manger ’ , neither of which , it might be thought , is very suitable for the occasion !
5 They pointed out that large numbers of patients , especially among the old , were unlikely ever to be really fit to enter normal community life , and that for many others the community care services were still woefully inadequate .
6 For many others the picture could hardly be more different .
7 For many Arabs the invasion of Kuwait confirmed Saddam as the foremost pan-Arab nationalist leader and the first Arab ruler since Egypt 's Abdel Gamal Nasser who was fully prepared to stand up to the USA .
8 The venerable Clarkson , for many reformers the remaining patriarch of the movement , was not exempt by 1838–40 .
9 WHY : Bad living conditions and lack of space are facts of British prison life ; but for many prisoners the greatest hardship is isolation .
10 MTV and the advent of satellite — so much of which relies on cheap pop programming — also signals for many countries the Americanization of youth culture , and one way to indicate national resistance is to originate your own music television — which they all do these days .
11 Despite research contributions for many countries the normal and pathological motor function of the colon remains poorly understood .
12 Unfortunately , for many parents the alternative to heavy-handed , autocratic childcare practices meant an excessively idealistic ( or self-indulgent ) laissez-faire attitude to a very serious business , and there are critics who believe we are now reaping the harvest of our ‘ permissive ’ ways ( see page 16 ) .
13 Because for many parents the word discipline has the unhappy connotation of punishment and repression , they have been half afraid to begin to discipline their young children .
14 Third and most important , for many Ukrainians the nuclear issue is inseparably linked with their security concerns — their fear , that is , of Russia .
15 For many builders the instigation to prepare management accounts arises not from within their own organisation but from the insistence by external bodies that more detailed information concerning the company 's financial position should be made available .
16 Continuing reliance might be placed upon the " civilizing influence of literature but teachers were also aware that for many students a degree in English was simply a necessary preliminary to a career in business , commerce , the civil service , teaching broadcasting , or journalism .
17 But with further tuition in the UK they can move on to full doctor status and for many students the chance to experience life in another country more than makes up for the extra years of study .
18 Reith 's domination of the BBC as first Director-General ( i.e. chief executive ) until 1937 is well described as ‘ massive , totalitarian and idiosyncratic , and for many decades the traditions of the BBC seemed to flow directly from his personality ’ ( Curran and Seaton , 1988 , p. 118 ) .
19 For many Australians the desert which covers much of their country means a vast emptiness solitude and the struggle to survive in hostile surroundings .
20 As Jane Feinman reports , for many doctors the technogical revolution is already proving a nightmare Kicking and screaming
21 For many molecules the Cartesian axes do not coincide uniquely with the principal inertial axes , and hybrid band contours arise .
22 Certainly for many mothers the price of freeing their children from the oppressive atmosphere of yesteryear was yet a further form of oppression for themselves when freedom was overdone .
23 For many companies the first pay and file deadline is now less than 12 months away .
24 For many teachers a business secondment breaks their personal career cycle of school , university to school .
25 However , that imposition simultaneously reveals how , without linguistic knowledge to explain the distinction , the enforced recognition is for many teachers a traumatic experience .
26 for many teachers the ‘ old ’ Lehninger — Biochemistry ( 2nd ed , 1975 ) — has been a biochemical bible , but can we be equally enthusiastic about the ‘ new ’ Lehninger ?
27 For many teachers the self-appraisal failed to be a major event , either because they were not required to participate in any review activities or because they were unable or unwilling to devote much time to it .
28 had dropped by 35% , increasing unemployment and ending for many farmers a link with the land which stretched back many generations .
29 Consideration of the effects of stress in the workplace has meant that for many employers the workaholic has become bad news .
30 The place anciently belonged to the Fauconbergs , but has been for many generations the seat of the Bethells .
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