Example sentences of "for years and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Not far behind them sat David Thomas and his wife , a jeweller who had looked after the Spencer family for years and sold Diana several pieces : but he was still ‘ just a humble jeweller ’ , and was expecting to be tucked away behind a pillar at the back .
2 The windows had not been opened for years and had forgotten how it went .
3 It was like discovering an old trick , something he had n't done for years and had thought was dead — unnerving but not entirely unpleasurable .
4 The old lady had been deaf for years and had what she called a ‘ thing-gummyjig ’ on her telephone receiver which was intended to help her hear her callers more clearly .
5 ‘ I found as the charred remains came to light that one of their employees , who had left the firm last year , had been embezzling them for years and had set fire to the premises so that no trace could be found of his dirty work .
6 ‘ Centre 42 had the place for years and had done fuck-all with it ’ , observes Miles .
7 Generations of British people have been happily walking into pubs for years and drinking alcohol that they could buy for a fraction of the price in a supermarket or off-licence .
8 The dentist was very decent , looked up his records although he did n't need to , because he 'd treated Mr. Stavanger for years and knew him quite well .
9 Thus flighted , I sent them shooting out over the mud and the water towards their suffocating ends ; then I buried them , using as coffins the big matchboxes we always kept by the stove , and which I had been saving for years and using as toy-soldier containers , model houses and so on .
10 He had been old for years and grown so fat in the stomach that he puffed when he stooped .
11 Coun Bill Wade , chairman of the district council 's housing committee , said some elderly people had lived at Dene House for years and to move would have ‘ a catastrophic effect on their lives ’ .
12 He remembered a piece of music he had been carrying around in his head for years and bragged that he knew a better tune .
13 Now he is churning out line with a 15lb breaking strain and it is proving so popular that he has now got rid of the old banger he had been driving around in for years and bought his first executive saloon .
14 If you have been making love horizontally in bed for years and need something new to make sex more varied , Stade Français could be the answer .
15 Martinez , another Spaniard , has been rising steadily for years and seems to be reaching her peak after a great three-set victory over Sabatini in the Rome final this month .
16 Another advantage Granada has over the competition , he says , is that unlike the big vendors now scurrying onto the marketplace to boost revenues , Granada — structured around the Data Processing Customer Engineering Plc acquisition and sundry add-ons — has been in the game for years and knows its strengths and weaknesses .
17 Mr McNeill said he has had been reading the Belfast Telegraph for years and enjoys doing the crossword first , perusing the television viewing and then gets around to reading the news .
18 You can drive along a motorway for years and see nothing , but once you learn the quivering shape above the verge is a hovering kestrel looking for voles in the short grass , it becomes difficult to pass a kestrel ever again without mentally noting what it is , what it is doing and why it is there .
19 Fabrics are expensive , but they will last for years and give great pleasure provided they are looked after in the proper manner .
20 I started out that way and not listening to the people you 've been doing it for years and say this is the way you do it .
21 Even one would be good enough for there are riders who have been racing for years and have never gone well here . ’
22 They 've been racing each other for years and have developed a friendly rivalry .
23 My husband has suffered from heartburn on and off for years and has recently been diagnosed as having a hiatus hernia .
24 ‘ Yes , I am remembering ; and please remember , too , Great-grandmother , that I am not a miss any more ; I am a married woman who has run your house for years and has had to put up with a man of your choosing . ’
25 ‘ They 've been workin' and diggin' in those s … fields for years and do you know what it is ?
26 It 's like you not painting your house for years and waiting for the glass to fall out of the windows before you start … it 's not the way to do things
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