Example sentences of "for number of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 While he 's often only known for number of aces he blasts — 929 so far this year — last night his all-round game was on show and he served only six aces .
2 This consistency of sound effectively means that your choice of instrument is determined by your preference for number of strings or , maybe more likely , price .
3 F for number of pupils , yeah .
4 What would you expect to happen to the magnitude of the effect once you had controlled for number of years of full-time education ?
5 The cost per item profile explains the differing age and sex profiles for number of items received and total expenditure .
6 Thus , in its most radical form , a Type I ‘ Internal Market ’ would have to involve a mixture of contracts for numbers of cases , and contracts for particular services for defined population .
7 The answer , for numbers of whites , is to move lock , stock and Rottweiler into something called ‘ cluster housing ’ .
8 The break-even points between the two modes of processing can be seen clearly in Fig. 7.22 ; for numbers of records for which a sequential curve is above each straight line that represents the time required to process a record directly , direct processing is faster .
9 Let me emphasize that there is nothing wrong in comparing local authority figures for numbers of children placed ‘ home on trial ’ .
10 So it is that for Douglas MacBain it is a clearly defined aim to consider setting targets for numbers of churches to be planted in the coming decade and to work to facilitate this .
11 Gonzalez-Casanova , using statistics for numbers of strikes per year , suggests that these follow the presidential-type policy of the government of the day .
12 We would actually guarantee that , jobs for numbers of years , so the people can actually take time off and then return , er , we also have arrangements to keep people in touch the business so , I 'm very proud of that record .
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