Example sentences of "for she [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But eventually his loving concern for her evokes a response .
2 She was advised that formal evidence would have to be called in order for her to form an opinion under section 7(5) of the Act of 1976 as to whether the defendant should be remanded in custody or on bail on the same or more stringent conditions , and that accordingly the hearing would in effect be a trial and would require to be heard before at least two justices .
3 Mozart , whose feelings for her took a long time to cool , later wrote more music for her , including the role of Madame Herz in his Singspiel Der Schauspieldirektor ( The Impresario ) , and she was the first Viennese Donna Anna in Don Giovanni .
4 The empowering of the Spirit for her took the form of risk , misunderstandings and downright difficulties .
5 A silence long enough , I imagine , for her to use the fast-forward button .
6 I had arranged for her to see a specialist , and he told me the condition was irreversible , that she would never lose her sight completely but that she would be almost totally blind within a year .
7 It was just possible for her to see a suggestion of light at the spy hole , set like a marble in the wall .
8 He went downstairs with Dr Darnell and two others , and pulled aside the cloth just sufficiently for her to see the visible part of the face .
9 He gestured for her to take a seat .
10 There was never any need for her to take the initiative or inveigle him into bed .
11 When he motioned for her to take the wooden spoon from him she did so , avoiding touching him at all costs .
12 The lawyer seemed to be studying his papers , waiting , it seemed to Theda as her brain began to function a little , for her to take the lead .
13 It was close enough to the cottage for her to take an early morning dip or a quick swim before dinner .
14 He was too close for her to say a word to Mitch but she knew without doubt that he was going to turn on them as soon as the door to his suite was closed and say that he would not even consider having anyone like her in his home or even near it .
15 It was nonsense for her to say no one had a motive for murdering her husband .
16 Mr Cubbage was like a cat on hot bricks , he was most distraught at Coleen 's decision to go to England , and he bombarded her with letters and flowers ; he could not wait for her return and for her to say the one word that would make her his wife .
17 When they arrived , he hesitated on the threshold , waiting for her to lead the way .
18 She felt humiliated — and because she 'd been so attracted to you during that first meeting , it was hard for her to realise the attraction must have been all on her side .
19 For those reasons , I would declare that it was within the power of the single justice ; indeed , it was her duty on the Friday to complete the proceeding under section 7(5) of the Act of 1976 , and that it was unlawful for her to adjourn the matter to the following Monday , she having no power to do so , and that the decision of the justices on the Monday was correct .
20 She is weak for lack of good food , she has plainly suffered from rickets , her body is not yet sufficiently mature for her to carry a child successfully to term , and on top of all that her baby is coming in quite the wrong fashion .
21 And then again , ignorance er , at what she should subsequently have done er , then took over because she did n't realise that by having had er made contact with an individual erm it was necessary for her to report the matter to the police and she just did n't realise that that was something that she should have done .
22 Then she thought of the Brownie Promise and the Brownie Law and the Brownie Motto , all of which she knew by heart and had often said aloud when riding along the country lanes , so that she would be able to say them if the wonderful day should come for her to join a Brownie Pack .
23 Di handed back the leased supercar recently following continuing pressure for her to drive a British model .
24 If your elderly parent is faced with this problem , the most sensible first step towards a solution will be for her to spend a longish ‘ holiday ’ in your home before making a final decision , or for you to make an extended ‘ visit ’ to her if you are thinking of going to live in her home .
25 Not to live in fascist Italy ( it was still all right for her to spend a month or two , with her British passport , with her mother and me and carry messages over the border for the underground ) .
26 The Glebe School pupil is very fond of dogs and PC John Baines , who is involved with the ward 's Dreams Come True charity , arranged for her to spend the day with members of the police dog section .
27 No one would know how hard it was for her to act the bride she would never be .
28 Lupins for her had a peppery smell , bracken a smell of the sea .
29 Moreover , she thought a great deal about what she was going to do long before she began working , and it had become possible for her to execute a painting with great precision .
30 He was waiting for her to open the conversation , but his manner was so cold and distant that she found it difficult to begin .
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