Example sentences of "for she [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 An example which was particularly significant for her arose in some work on graphs .
2 One booted foot was thrust out for her to use as a stirrup .
3 A few minutes earlier Ruth would have welcomed the idea of everyone going off to sleep ( not that Sean showed any sign of doing so ) as an opportunity for her to indulge in her own thoughts , but the fits of uninhibited laughter had restored her to something nearer to normality , and at last she was present with her companions in mind as well as in the flesh .
4 Tonight there was a moon , starlight even , and he knew that after a few minutes away from the house it would be possible for her to see with surprising clarity ; but moon or no moon , it seemed to make little difference to her and she 'd been spending hours abroad at even the deepest , darkest point in the cycle .
5 That it was n't too late for her to take to her daughter .
6 Her mouth tight , she hurried into the cottage and slammed the door , but that one brief glance had been more than enough for her to take in the fact that he 'd removed his shirt as though quite impervious to the chill wind that made everyone else shiver , and was digging over the colonel 's vegetable patch with an economy of movement that she might have admired if it had been anyone else but him .
7 As she was led towards the back of it , there was time and light only for her to take in a number of doors on either side , a pervasive smell of must , dark wood panelling , and the central staircase leading to an upper gallery that ran left and right above .
8 She had forgotten that he was off duty until her vision cleared sufficiently for her to take in the fact that he was wearing a dark suit , the jacket unfastened to reveal a white shirt .
9 We both need a break but I ca n't afford a holiday and you would n't believe the hassle of organizing for her to go into a home for a fortnight .
10 She suffered one paroxysm of doubt , the first and the last , and a matter of shame to her as often as she remembered it after , when the hour of noon came and passed , and no one sent for her to go into the town and fetch her father to the audience ; and when she ventured to enquire , she was told that one of his Grace 's clerks had already gone to summon Master Parry , and she need not concern herself in the matter .
11 Arrangements were made for her to go to a home specialising in care for people who were motivated to look after themselves , and the staff were prepared to cope with the deafness .
12 When she was older , he had paid for her to go to school , proud of her ability to read and write and work out figures .
13 He had been waiting for her to go to bed .
14 You know , as she had no family or friends , he was kind enough to pay for her to go to school , and found her a job here with your uncle .
15 It was Mother who arranged for her to go to Paris to train in Uncle Félix 's salon .
16 ‘ For this same reason once she had caught up with her husband ( and been sent quickly home as being very undutiful and immoral travelling about alone and not remaining in her place at home against his return ) it would have been inconceivable for her to go to the police .
17 Where is heaven , anyway , for her to go to in the flesh ?
18 The traffic was too heavy for her to go to the driver 's side and she stormed along the pavement to the offending car and opened the passenger door .
19 It was a relief when Iris called for her to go to church .
20 Helen came in towards the end , and , with no outside calls for her to go to , Joanna looked rather depressed .
21 first time that the church warden came for her to go to church she fell getting out of his car .
22 if arrangements had n't been made for her to go to Australia might be , she has n't been may have you know , she still had n't been to the doctors
23 Their relationship had been coming to an end and Miss Turner 's parents had arranged for her to go on a holiday to America to deter her from seeing him .
24 And then , the next job was to make a a a crate for her to go on the railway do you see .
25 he said to me one day , and I do n't remember the day he said the best thing would be for her to go on casual , then she can keep her thingy thingy .
26 Martin was a close friend of the family as well as his business partner and Varna had been happy for her to go with him .
27 But where else , she would have argued , was there for her to go in this dreary East Anglian village on a dull November evening ?
28 Yeah , makes sense for her to go in there .
29 It would have been humiliating for her to say to her mother , ‘ I had nothing to do with it ; it was the bright boy who made the suggestion to the grand dame . ’
30 Murphy , at the foot of the steps , waited for her to return to the carriage .
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