Example sentences of "for i [verb] down " in BNC.

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1 Another recurrent crisis , during university years , was the cerebral accident — a subarachnoid haemorrhage unambiguous enough for me to sit down with pen and I paper and put my affairs in order .
2 I indicated a chair and she nodded that it was OK for me to sit down .
3 Of course , he 's terribly anxious for me to settle down out there , marry Cora-Beth and become an American citizen , the way his father did years ago .
4 But she 'd taken an instant liking to you and for years she 'd been agitating for me to settle down . ’
5 And he stopped and luckily there was just enough room for me to slow down and just go between them .
6 Its tunnels were almost big enough for me to go down , and sticking my head down one , I had my first smell of badger — and , of course , completely ruined my chance of seeing any animals that day .
7 Oh for me to go down there .
8 It was extremely difficult for me to write down one good characteristic about myself , let alone ten , and it was quite evident that whereas I saw myself as perpetually black , I saw my wife , Joyce as shining white and a lot of other people in the same colour .
9 As we pulled up at the lights , he leaped out , kicked the wheel cap back into place , grinned and said , ‘ Thanks , it happens about every two years or so , ’ got back in his car , then signalled equally wildly for me to wind down my window .
10 I found this sweet little man who fixed up a non-reflex 35 for me slowed down the motor wind so it would n't make a sound fixed in a timer to take a shot every thirty seconds .
11 You tell Ernest to see there 's a good fire for me to come down to . ’
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