Example sentences of "for our [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It would have cost $110,000 to produce the appropriate bit-maps for our former typesetter .
2 For our own part , we decide on the beef teriyaki , medium rare .
3 take proceedings at our own expense and for our own benefit to recover any payment we have made under this policy .
4 take proceedings at our own expense and for our own benefit to recover any payment we have made under this policy .
5 take proceedings at our own expense and for our own benefit to recover any payment we have made under this policy .
6 take proceedings at our own expense and for our own benefit to recover any payment we have made under this policy .
7 We have , of course , latterly been essentially running the club for our own benefit .
8 going on , so we wo n't be in a position to estimate and forecast for our own benefit
9 We have to accept that each of us is responsible for our own preservation .
10 It is much more geared to the administration of personnel records than was the bureau system but the experience we gained using the bureau has stood us in good stead for our own system .
11 We pray first for our own country , and ask your blessing on those who lead us ; we pray for Elizabeth our queen , that You will bless and guide her in all her responsibilities in this land and in the Commonwealth ; we pray for the Prime Minister and all his cabinet , that they may have your wisdom in the government of the country ; we pray for the leaders of the nations , and especially for areas where there is strife .
12 Our insatiable demand for knowledge and frantic interest in other cultures , past and present , stem from the loss of myth and the consequent absence of any stable consecrated basis for our own culture .
13 It was not for some years after we had separated that I had to face the fact that the deepest part of one 's being is always inaccessible to another , and that only when we are lost in passion , eager above all else for our own gratification — yet unconscious that this is the case — that we ignore the gulf , forget that we are strangers .
14 There is a capital account surplus , or a net capital inflow , if our receipts from the sale of stocks , bonds , land , bank deposits and other assets exceed our payments for our own purchase of foreign assets .
15 We destroy as much life as we think necessary for our own sustenance and preservation .
16 The benefits of privatisation of the yards and the greatly improved productivity now ensure better value for money for our own defence expenditure and help the yards themselves to compete once again overseas , as the opportunities with Malaysia and Oman have shown .
17 We spent two summer holidays and three Christmases at the melin before at last we were able to claim it for our own occupation .
18 It is essential for our own peace and security that Russia continues to play the positive role on which President Gorbachev embarked and which President Yeltsin is set to continue and to develop .
19 ‘ Australia and New Zealand have beaten them — for our own credibility we want to beat them , too . ’
20 We 'd been playing safe for our own survival , and scores of heterosexuals went unchallenged in their continued acts of heterosexism .
21 They are the daily fare of our news bulletins , but we rarely stop to think about their relevance for our own state .
22 One of the courgettes has been allowed to grow into a marrow , ready for our own harvest festival .
23 And there 's and erm we 're doing a project on conservation and actually helping the conservation as well and erm as well cos so them up and it 's and it 's gey good for our own project .
24 A thread that runs through all fairy tales , and is important for our own writing , is the element of change .
25 ‘ We thought they were most unusual and attractive and could n't resist them for our own house , ’ says Sue .
26 ‘ We did that race for our own satisfaction , but there is publicity to be gained .
27 I too remember when Darlington was a county borough and we had a lovely town when we were responsible for our own efficiency and everything in the garden was lovely .
28 Are we prepared to discipline ourselves to restrictions and regulations that we feel we ought to impose for our own good ?
29 foods rich in fat or refined sugar might seem very attractive but usually prove to be far too tempting for our own good ; it is far too easy to over-indulge in these kinds of food .
30 My boyfriend says that ladies like me huv been just too liberated for our own good .
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