Example sentences of "he [be] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 Aah said as 'ow 'e 's only a poor little thing . ’
2 The protest of the human individual against the massive forces which control him is indeed a theme which can be seen in contemporary art , literature , music and drama , in the struggles against racialism , poverty and war , in the popular movements of Western youth and in the renewed campaign for women 's emancipation ; so we can hardly be surprised if parents too begin to question the authority of the experts .
3 He may be like a banana tree or a coconut tree , half human in appearance , revolting in every way , but caring for him is still a woman 's duty if he 's her husband .
4 The twitch broadened fractionally into what might have been a smile on anyone else but on him was just a rearrangement of composed features .
5 He were always a bit of a tyrant .
6 In every aspect of his work Caro is brazenly derivative , depending for effect on the assertiveness of scale , and is , in essence , trivial ; but , translated from the Tate Gallery to the Roman Forum ( see The Art Newspaper No. 18 , May 1992 , p. 5 ) , he is this year the beam in the public 's eye ( would that he were only a mote ) , and thus inevitably the choice of Heaths and Fanfanis .
7 And er the chap that tended her was er a locum , he were only a young chap , and er he says , Oh oh I 'm sorry , he says , I 'd better get me old man to come , he said I do n't suppose I 'll ever see another of these in my career .
8 We were n't allowed to have a we were n't allowed to have a cup of tea in break time no but er we were all on edge you know for fear , if he kicked it it would have scalded his foot and he were , he were only a few inches away from it , and of course he went now what we used to say now nosing around and we should n't have done he had a job to get round because he was
9 He were only a young boy , seventeen year old .
10 She asked him if he were still a virgin .
11 Which is why Caroline likes nursing him as if he were still a lost child .
12 His reason is that he can not be sure of what code of manners were followed there and if they were not the same as his it would seem as if he were almost a bully in chasing down someone below his class .
13 Although he has lived in the UK since 1969 , Zarei was born in Iran and is often listed as Iranian , but he is officially a British athlete , and won an England vest when competing in the Milton Keynes 24-hour Championships in 1989 .
14 A happy , approachable Oliver Stone is a new phenomenon indeed — he is no a man known for his relaxed attitude on set , and the actors in Platoon especially were pushed to the limit .
15 He is probably a murderer himself ; the lightmindedness of his retrospective half-confirmations and half-denials is oddly disgusting ; and for him killing people is no more doing something than sleeping with little girls or setting off for the North Pole .
16 Gilels has intelligence and fantasy in abundance ; yet without aiming at an Arrau-massiveness he is ultimately a more powerful protagonist than Brendel .
17 So he is already a celebrity in island cricket .
18 He lives only for the moment , and he is already a changed man .
19 Of all the contenders Armiger is certainly best placed to impress , as he is already a Group One winner and was among the favourites for the Derby until injury forced him out of the Epsom showpiece .
20 He is already a member of the British junior team , having been chosen two years earlier than most of the others .
21 It could be said as brusquely of Iago that he is just a wrecker .
22 Sometimes he is just a secondary figure floating in the novel 's bloodstream , as at the fête where he has got roped in with a few other young men to be a marshal and make sure everything goes smoothly .
23 Suppose for a moment that Mr Gorbachev himself does not know what he has in mind ; assume that he is just a moderniser with no clear idea where modernising leads .
24 Against this interpretation lies the evidence that we can and do say , when appropriate , things like ‘ Of course he consented to the operation , but that does not entitle you to perform it since he is just a child ’ ( or he did not know how dangerous it is ) .
25 He is just a confused young man going through a postgraduate crisis ; a rebel without claws .
26 And a delighted Billy Bonds saluted Allen 's week by saying : ‘ He is just a great goalscorer — it 's as simple as that . ’
27 ‘ He does n't look too bad because of his coat but when you handle him , he is just a bag of bones . ’
28 If he could adopt that standpoint , he might describe himself as an empirical realist but a transcendental idealist ; but , since he can not adopt that standpoint , he is just a ‘ realist ’ .
29 Naturally I approached Bates in the strictest confidence , but all too quickly I learned that he is just a gin-sodden loud-mouth .
30 For example , if a person supplies a computer in kit form which , when assembled , infringes a patent , then the supplier of the computer kit infringes the patent even if he is just a middle-man as long as he has the requisite knowledge .
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