Example sentences of "he [conj] [vb past] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He was terribly disappointed she had n't flown at him or reacted more strongly .
2 He had a charismatic quality about him that had long made him one of Europe 's most eligible bachelors .
3 ‘ I 'm well aware of whom they 're for , ’ he bit out , and Ellie belatedly became rather frighteningly aware of the dangerous quality in him that had only been hinted at before .
4 " There was , " she said , a little boy in him that had never been released .
5 He said , ‘ Letchely na , letchely na , ’ and she turned her beautiful head to look at him and lowed gently .
6 Then the disciples all deserted him and ran away ( Mark 14:50 ; Matt 26:56 ) .
7 Angry with herself for being so easily led , Shelley pulled away from him and ran headlong into the water , which was colder than she expected , in spite of the hot sun .
8 Pascoe left him and ran lightly upstairs .
9 She thrust the remains of her cheese at him and rushed jerkily away , hiding her face .
10 He closed the door behind him and walked slowly down the corridor until he reached the top of the marble staircase , passing his own office and Pat Muldoon 's without wishing to take a last look .
11 She turned her back on him and walked away .
12 ‘ I 've chased him and waited far too long .
13 Christopher knew him and came straight down .
14 Rincewind looked down at him and grinned slowly .
15 Amy Winship took one look at him and disappeared quietly through the door , and Ben Bradshaw winced .
16 Woil looked around him and seemed suddenly confused and unsure of himself .
17 ‘ I really went for him and felt rather sorry for it afterwards .
18 We were all very fond of him and felt just a little protective towards him !
19 She snatched the paper from him and strode past .
20 He grabbed the end of the case before it hit him and stepped backwards using my momentum to take me forward and off balance , then he shoved back .
21 Corbett stared at him and looked away , the tension between them broken by the Pictish leader who took Thomas by the hand , like a child with a parent , and led him into the largest house , beckoning Corbett to follow them .
22 Adam glared back at him and looked away .
23 He caught Emily 's eye on him and looked away quickly .
24 She definitely could n't , though she thanked him and looked longingly at the boat .
25 Robert had to say it again before she heard him and looked across to the table where Aunt Tossie and Andrew were drinking and Lalage was jumping up and down , opening her mouth to catch with complete dexterity the pieces of biscuit that Dada , suddenly lively , was throwing into it .
26 She ignored him and looked expectantly at her father .
27 He broke himself off a thick stick from a tree behind him and looked all round again .
28 He picked up an electric guitar at the Newport Folk Festival , assembled a band behind him and played loud enough to raise the roofbeams — just like he had done in his high-school days .
29 He could not know that Sophia was taking a keen interest in him and had even been considering him — provided he were not divorced or otherwise unsuitable-as a husband for her sister .
30 The couple were taken to police headquarters for questioning where they admitted they had picked up a man on the night of 10 July by the harbour but did not know him and had only given him a lift into town .
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