Example sentences of "he [conj] [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Parents may think the best thing to do with a nervous child is to tell him or her not to worry .
2 As soon as the child stops misbehaving the parent can attend to him or her again .
3 Give a dog ( so to speak ) a bad name , treat him or her accordingly — by having a confrontation or using a suspicious manner — and we are quite likely to trigger a hostile , resentful reaction that confirms our original opinion .
4 If the Profitboss fails to please a customer today , he 'll succeed in pleasing him or her tomorrow .
5 A profession tends to have few members , each member possessing esoteric knowledge which sets him or her apart from their peers .
6 How else is the good reader to establish what is good for him or her individually ?
7 Your bank manager can be very helpful ; certainly you should tell him or her immediately what 's happened .
8 Reality Therapy involves confronting the sufferer with the reality of life as perceived by others and helping him or her gradually to change the perception of how life should be so that it comes nearer to how life actually is .
9 Alternatively , the solicitor may accompany the client to the hearing and advise him or her orally as a McKenzie adviser in the course of the hearing .
10 Anyone who publishes a statement , which reflects adversely upon the conduct by a local authority of its affairs , risks liability to any individual councillor or officer of the authority who can prove that the publication defames him or her personally .
11 I have already mentioned my contempt for those who do n't say hello on hills , so as this soul was alone I prepared to greet him or her heartily .
12 As we shall see , these days the concept of parental responsibility seems to demand considerably more involvement in a child 's education than simply packing him or her off to school every day .
13 Give the candidate a little more time to relax by filling him or her in on background information :
14 For instance , If you are talking to a neighbour and he or she seems in no particular rush , then invite him or her in for an impromptu cup of something .
15 If your hero or heroine is too much of a concocted stereotype , you may find yourself bitterly regretting the iron limits you have confined him or her in .
16 This does fulfil the essential of making your hero gain some useful fact from each scene you show him or her in , though the danger for the tyro plotter is that at the end of each interview one more suspect will have simply been " written out " .
17 Try to catch him or her out in good as well as bad behaviour .
18 ‘ If I had the courage to ask him or her out … ’ .
19 Moreover , feelings lying dormant will have already produced an individual who is troubled , unhappy and anxious , and the individuals behaviour will already be moving him or her inexorably deeper into emotional and social despair .
20 So it behoves the healthy eater to assess the Indian menu for the best options , since chances are circumstances , friends and hunger will take him or her there sooner rather than later !
21 Reform ( or ‘ rehabilitation ’ ) is the idea that punishment can reduce the incidence of crime by taking a form which will improve the individual offender 's character or behaviour and make him or her less likely to re-offend in future .
22 The local variation may not represent information at all for , as Figure 5. 14 clearly shows , some high-frequency noise in the form of horizontal scan line patterns may be present on an image , distracting the user and rendering him or her less capable of recognizing underlying trends .
23 Seventy-nine per cent saw the sufferer daily ( and if they did not live with him or her this often involved several visits per day ) .
24 You wo n't feel so bad about reprimanding your youngster ( indeed , punishing him or her quite severely when the occasion merits it ) if you find the appropriate times to display your positive feelings .
25 Ideally , all that needs to be said can be said in an hour , and if you think the journalist is genuinely interested in your work , try to give him or her as much time as required — it is appreciated .
26 On the other hand , if the media ask for someone to take part , try to make him or her as interesting as possible — for the programme not to themselves !
27 They can not be permitted to isolate their child and view him or her as different from other blacks ; rather they must perceive their child to be an extension of other black people .
28 When did you last tell your partner that you find him or her very attractive ?
29 He argues that the imbalance acts to increase the person 's risk of schizophrenia by making him or her more susceptible to social influences ( Cutting , 1985 , p. 391 ) .
30 He was monstrous , violent , wrapped in some kind of vengeance that seemed to have nothing to do with her or her love for him or anything else in the world she knew .
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