Example sentences of "he [prep] [be] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Pion helped Masklin down on to the ground , which seemed to him to be moving from side to side .
2 I would n't put it past him to be slipping something into the juice when nobody 's looking .
3 I 'm not prepared to accept that any more than I am prepared to accept the hogwash that we heard from Bob Morgan and his Liberal Democrats , because of course it may be extremely comfortable for him to be acting like a beached dolphin on the shores of Abu Dhabi , but the fact of the matter is , of course , that the Liberal Democrats , with or without the backs of their envelopes and cigarettes packets , are extremely unlikely to be making any national legislation , so they are quite comfortable in being able to observe how others might or might not do it .
4 Well , she had wanted him to be hopping mad the next time she saw him , and she was pretty sure she 'd succeeded .
5 Müncheberg ; the crew were seen by him to be getting into a dinghy .
6 Telling us all how we would have to adapt in various minor ways to changing circumstances , but that basically our lives would carry on very much as normal — and it was weird , I was wanting them all to believe him , and him to be telling the truth .
7 Eventually , with opinion poll surveys showing him to be losing ground in New Hampshire , Clinton brought his wife , Hillary Clinton , to the forefront of the campaign .
8 For Fedorov was still supposed to believe him to be lying in the mud at the bottom of the Danube .
9 Liam complained that he had plenty to do with the new shop opening for him to be running around after doctors — ‘ just because a couple of kiddies are sick ’ .
10 I knew I would want him to be coming home to me .
11 Now if Mr is saying that outside the context of the structure plan entirely which is all I took him to be saying , that the members of North Yorkshire County Council are still determined to build a road to the north of of erm
12 It embarrassed him to be sitting so close to the rector 's wife and he kept as far to the side as he could so that no one would think he was enjoying her company .
13 She did n't say anything , but the way she toyed with him suggested she wanted him to be demonstrating all day like a vacuum cleaner salesman .
14 ‘ We want him to be returning to a club which is guaranteed European football next season and , who knows , should we win the semi-final he might be able to lead out the team for the final . ’
15 Today , of course , it suited him to be doing the shopping .
16 Struck me as a dangerous thing for him to be doing .
17 It was a big weight for him to be carrying , but there did n't seem to be a lot that he could do about it .
18 Right , they 're accusing him to be claiming to be God and they actually say they actually say their decision is that he 's guilty and should be put to death , they 've condemned him to death .
19 Indeed the second sentence seems to be merely the passive reformulation of what is expressed by Someone saw him to be walking away , with the inferential or conceptual sense of see rather than the perceptual one .
20 The point is surely that the properties of being good and being yellow are not complex properties as being a horse is , which is ( we may take him to be supposing ) a matter of having a whole lot of simpler properties , such as having a certain sort of head , a certain sort of tail , and so forth .
21 Perhaps they had been loaded on the train many hours before Holly , because they seemed to him to be sleeping when he had first seen them in the darkened carriage .
22 He sounded surprised , as if it were perfectly acceptable for him to be questioning her , but not the other way round .
23 But I could n't let my mother be here , and then it was more for my brother because he had a wife and he it was more for him to be working than er for me really , cos I come to pension age then you see .
24 The Times reporter also quoted a British General urging his men to ‘ Go on the paras , go and get them ’ , and said that the lower ranks appeared to him to be relishing their work and perceiving the Bogsiders as ‘ legitimate targets ’ ( ibid.:41 ) .
25 It made no sense for him to be engineering bad publicity .
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