Example sentences of "he [verb] me [adv] " in BNC.

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1 That did n't go down very well an' then 'e asked me why .
2 ‘ My ole man got upset an' 'e told me ter get rid o' the bloody fing before 'e got 'ome from work ternight. 'E works on the trams , yer see , ’ the woman explained .
3 ‘ Anyway , 'e told me ter get out an' called me a lazy so-an'-so so I stuck one on 'im .
4 It would n't have done for him to see me there .
5 ‘ Harry asked him to see me home , ’ Fiona said placatingly .
6 I want you to tell him I ca n't assist him any further and there 's no point him contacting me again .
7 God knows where M F I is in If I get him to drive me round now I 'll remember which way to go .
8 So I came out immediately , as I did not want him to pull me out .
9 He was that pathetic and undernourished I kept on having to stop and let him catch me up .
10 ‘ I 'd not put it past him to lock me up … ’
11 I was mad to let him bring me here .
12 No , you let him show me alright ?
13 I let him see me there bright and clear ! ’
14 ‘ I thank God ! ’ said Edward Rochester , ‘ and ask Him to help me live a better life in future ! ’
15 When Jancey asked him to help me out , he thought it was just a neighbour under threat .
16 I was so offended I asked him to leave me alone .
17 Let the man lift me from the car still asleep and wrapped in a tartan blanket , let him lift me and carry me up the stairs to my bed , let him gently say , ‘ we 're here ’ … let him lay me down to sleep .
18 I but saw him the once , and yet can not bear for him to despise me so .
19 And he says leave that to the local station , and say , can you leave a message with him to phone me back please .
20 ‘ That was him asking me where I was going , in case you did n't notice . ’
21 I made him take me round and round , ten or twelve times .
22 I made him take me on a bit farther at the risk of him thinking I lacked the right sexual tactics .
23 His mother had made him take me out to see the sights and he was bored and resentful .
24 He came to the orphanage just after I went in there , and they let him take me out to tea .
25 ‘ When I decide to marry a man , ’ she said , ‘ I will make him attend me everywhere . ’
26 Get through to Müller and tell him to contact me there .
27 Hell , I wanted him to kiss me so much ! she realised dazedly .
28 There 's no reason you should be shocked at the thought of him taking me out .
29 ‘ Can you get him to call me as soon as possible ?
30 I will ask him to ring me back
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