Example sentences of "he [verb] to the " in BNC.

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1 Though he reassured him about the boy 's future , his calling Isaac his ‘ only son ’ when he commands him to go to the land of Moriah might well suggest those assurances were empty and meant nothing .
2 He must be able to stamp his authority not only on his team but on the peloton as a whole , directing the whole tenor of the race before it is time for him to go to the front and win .
3 It was the experience he gained in Greenock which enabled him to go to the United States and feature so prominently in American deaf education .
4 Hence the perception that , however hard he tries — and it was brave of him to go to the wall at all — Mr Clinton will always carry this particular cross , and that his relations with the armed services will always be shaped by it .
5 The following morning he went to Dawson 's house , thereby missing a telephone call from the King 's private secretary asking him to go to the Palace before luncheon ( it is not clear why the message was not passed on ) .
6 Thus suppose , to take a less bloodthirsty example , that Pooh 's desire for honey makes his belief that there 's some in the cupboard cause him to go to the cupboard to get it .
7 Over at The Wine Cellar , Keith Meerza , the joint owner , has sat a customer down in the corner and is trying to persuade him to go to the police .
8 Also , unlike others who had been brought up in more cultured surroundings , it was a rarity for him to go to the theatre and even more of a rarity to go to other forms of public entertainments , including the cinema .
9 I even tried to get him to go to the studio .
10 He urged him to go to the local hotel , only twelve miles in the wrong direction .
11 She was too full of misery to finish and she brushed past him to go to the stairs , not able to face this at all .
12 I urge him to go to the railway stations each weekend and to get the newspapers that are handed out free of charge .
13 I asked him to go to the shed and take all my kites away and burn them , which he duly did , in a hollow now called Kite Pyre Dell .
14 They got him angry / They got him to go to the party ) .
15 He is engaged in conversation by McKendrick , another participant in the Colloquium , but does not reveal to him that what attracts him to the conference is the opportunity it affords him to go to the World Cup qualifying match between England and Czechoslovakia ( scene one ) .
16 Trust him to go to the other extreme .
17 Oh I asked him to go to the insurance company and find out whether I 'm covered with them for having my aerial replaced and I wrote a letter asking if he could be empowered to sign the claim form for me
18 Well , yes , I mean I can remember having a friend in Oxford who was schizophrenic and to be quite frank he needed to be certified and we could not get him to go to the doctors , and when he did he told sufficient stories that the doctor home with eye drops because he was seeing things .
19 ‘ A pity you did n't get him to attend to the little bitch before , ’ commented Rachel .
20 There was Stringfellows ' night club , that appalling leather suit , the friendship with an aerobic gymnast , newspaper photos of him stripped to the waist , the gold earrings , and his nights on the town .
21 FOLLOWING our revelation yesterday of claims about Di and her friend Major James Hewitt , it was reported last night that a photo exists of him stripped to the waist as he chats to the princess .
22 In the empty streets we finally flagged down a taxi , prostrated ourselves before him and persuaded him to drive to the hitherto uncharted climes of Muswell Hill .
23 Paragraph 8. 10 ( c ) of the PAC 's 1981 report , The Role of the Comptroller and Auditor General , stated that the present arrangements for the financial audit of nationalized industries should continue but that the C & AG should have access to the books and records of these bodies in order to enable him to report to the House of Commons ( paragraph 4.16 — 4.19 ) .
24 Plummer bellowed , watching gloomily as a body punch brought down his fighter 's guard and a thunderous uppercut lifted him off his feet and sent him crashing to the canvas .
25 That afternoon he saw the King , who tried to dissuade him , but , as lying George V recorded it : ‘ He assured me that it was absolutely necessary for him to appeal to the Country as he had gone so far that it was not possible for him to change his mind . ’ ’
26 The MPs , leaders of Britain 's cross-party peace group New Consensus , wrote to Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams challenging him to appeal to the IRA to halt its campaign of violence .
27 Mr McNally then asked him to indicate to the court any evidence which arose out of the two interviews held yesterday .
28 A debtor has no reasonable prospect of being able to pay a debt if the debt is not immediately payable and : ( i ) the petitioning creditor has served on the debtor a statutory demand in the prescribed form requiring him to establish to the satisfaction of the creditor that there is a reasonable prospect that the debtor will be able to pay the debt when it falls due , ( ii ) at least three weeks have elapsed since the demand was served , and ( iii ) the demand has neither been complied with nor set aside ( s268(2) ) .
29 He had been put under the tutelage of Sergeant Bragg , a great bear of a man , a man whose principles would not allow him to stoop to the self-serving tactics of his superiors .
30 The loyal voter may have voted consistently out of party principle , or because ties of dependence persistently obliged him to defer to the wishes of committed partisans amongst the local elite .
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