Example sentences of "he [verb] any [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He 's played extensively in the Football League and I ca n't see him encountering any difficulty with the game over here . ’
2 A particular provision in this respect ( Clause 10.08 ) should be included in the agreement to cover the case of a partner being appointed without the benefit of a charging clause where it is necessary to exclude him from participating in fees earned on behalf of the firm for work done in the estate or trust concerned : for him to accept any benefit through the firm 's involvement would be incompatible with his position as executor or trustee .
3 Let him act any way he wanted .
4 But mind you , according to some people it was virtually impossible for him to beget any bastards , but still .
5 It did not make him feel any cleaner .
6 Zach hesitated at first , but luckily someone who had n't seen him do any tap dancing egged him on .
7 Refusing to let him see any trace of fear in her eyes , she squared up to him , pride stiffening her spine .
8 There Tyndale wrote to urge him to avoid any discussion of the Sacraments , but he failed to take this advice and was convicted as a heretic precisely on this question and was burned .
9 When a judge , particularly one with Lord Scarman 's breadth of mind , is appointed to inquire into an outbreak of violence and serious disorders on the streets of Brixton and the policing of the area , it is unrealistic to expect him to avoid any recommendations of a political nature as to the causes .
10 In all cases there are simple rights of appeal to the secretary of state to enable him to resolve any disputes between a district and a region .
11 The doctor has forbidden him to put any weight on it . ’
12 another person is present at all times , not merely to assist the subject to enter the regressed state but to help him avoid any difficulty or distress ;
13 He had invented this word called EUREKA ! which , if shouted under certain conditions in the bathroom , enabled him to solve any manner of obtuse conundrums .
14 Life had given him very little , just taught him to snatch any opportunities that came his way and use them to his advantage .
15 Also , I ca n't imagine him taking any woman out into deep woods for sex .
16 Mr Roh 's advisers had urged him to delay any cabinet reshuffle to avoid the impression that he was simply responding to the students ' demands .
17 It was the first time I had seen him reveal any emotion in his face , and it had something of the intensity of grief .
18 Anthony , predictably enough Julia thought , decided that his patients needed him too much for him to take any kind of holiday over the Easter weekend , but he made no objection to David 's formal request to take Julia away to stay with his mother .
19 According to Eadmer , it was a small incident which opened Anselm 's eyes to the true state of affairs , and made him realize that the king would in no circumstances allow him to take any action beyond the routine of his episcopal duties .
20 Dr Sasaki had not looked outside the hospital all day ; the scene inside was so terrible and so compelling that it had not occurred to him to ask any questions about what had happened beyond the windows and doors .
21 The court appointed Robert Ramsay , a Western Australian accountant , as trustee , and directed him to recover any assets of the Bond estate .
22 The relevant provisions state that an employee has the right not to have action short of dismissal taken against him ‘ as an individual ’ by his employer to : prevent his belonging to an independent trade union ; or prevent him from taking part in the activities of an independent union ; or compel him to join any trade union .
23 Having provided for the acquisition of an outgoing partner 's share , the partners must determine what restrictions should be put on him to prevent any action of his eroding the value of that share .
24 Mitchell is also an ‘ old soldier ’ at this game but I do n't expect him to make any headlines .
25 At its most extreme form it was expressed by J. B. Watson in 1925 : ‘ Give me a dozen healthy infants , well formed , and my own specified world to bring them up in , and I will guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select — doctor , lawyer , artist , merchant chief , and yes , even beggarman and thief , regardless of his talents , penchants , tendencies , abilities , vocations , and the race of his ancestors . ’
26 It was n't George felt quite enough for him to renew any promises about alcohol .
27 With his quiet and loving manner , he would always listen and wish to know what local people thought before he made any decisions .
28 Or perhaps you secretly hoped Rocky would get knocked out before he made any sequels .
29 Thus , the trainer is our example was watching for relaxation before he made any demands on the horse , and also communicating his calm confidence .
30 He attacked any deviation from ‘ class positions ’ in public life , and called for a more vigorous defence of the founders of socialism .
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