Example sentences of "he [verb] he [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 Well , 'e called , like 'e said 'e would , all wrapped up still , and I brought 'im in and 'e stood just where you 're standin' .
2 It does n't do any good to let him think he can overrule me either — well , he ca n't really , because I 'm Chief Druid after all .
3 He was a fool to expect anything other than he got , however : surely only vanity could have made him think he could seduce a mob of Madness fans ?
4 She professed love for Gentle at intervals , but not with sufficient consistency to make him think he could prise her from her husband , even if he wanted to , which he was by no means certain he did .
5 And made him think he could trust me .
6 She 'd be damned if she 'd let him think he could get away with that !
7 ‘ That 's why I want him to know he can talk to us .
8 Perhaps the incapacity of his lieutenants in the Congo made him feel he could rely only on himself .
9 Somebody will then decide to give an impromptu reply if the best man does n't , which makes him feel he should have spoken .
10 When I meet with the American President in Berlin , I want him to believe he can trust me . ’
11 The flash of hope in her eyes made him wish he could report a more substantial discovery than the meagre piece of intelligence he had to contribute .
12 ‘ And if he is not prepared to fight , then he should say so but there is no point in lying to the people around him saying he can do the job if he really believes he ca n't . ’
13 She probably did tell him to go away and stop following her around , but that would n't be a reason for him screaming he 'd kill her . ’
14 Fancy him thinking he could con her !
15 It 's just that sometimes — well , I do n't even know if we have a relationship , and I do n't want him thinking he can take me for granted . ’
16 When she 'd thrown the challenge at him a part of her had wanted him to refuse to go , had wanted him to say he 'd rather stay with her .
17 The brother-in-law , the girl 's uncle , did not contest the father 's authority but he had had the girl 's company long enough for him to feel he could n't bear his house without her .
18 It is a chance for him to prove he can make it in the Football League . ’
19 If the manufacturer did this test on every yard of cloth he made he would be left with only worn-out cloth for sale .
20 If he lived he would be doomed to spend the war as a prisoner .
21 West wins this third Diamond trick with the Queen and all he has left in his hand are 3 Hearts , and whatever card he plays he must give you the last three tricks in that suit .
22 Once he had decided to write the Guide Book he realised he would have to do a considerable amount of writing and although he never felt he was a good writer , his unwavering intent carried him through .
23 Sometimes it is through a mysterious inner constraint that he makes his presence felt , as when he guided Paul 's evangelistic direction away from the province of Asia in 16:6,7 and towards the hardships and opposition he realised he would have to face if he went up for that last journey to Jerusalem ( Acts 20:22,23 ) .
24 At home , in the privacy of his room , he went straight to his mirror to see if he looked normal , but he realised he might not be a good judge of that .
25 But as time went on he realised he could not convey how the style had evolved without understanding the techniques at first hand .
26 He realised he could make a lot of money and a name for himself if he were to act swiftly and produce his maps before Green had time to complete his own .
27 He was a big fit man but he realised he could not go on much longer , and his iron resolve began to melt in the face of the powers of nature surrounding him .
28 When it was too late and Nails had had time to cool down , he realised he should have asked for Mr Bean or even Biddy or Nutty 's dad to be contacted .
29 He had originally intended to polish up the wood and sell it for five shillings , but when he was fortunate enough to obtain the gramophone he realised he should repair the machine and install it in the cabinet .
30 Oh yes cos there must have been , that was John doing that this is oh this is great fun he says , and he er Johnny was saying that erm if he whispered he would only speak up louder .
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