Example sentences of "he [verb] [not/n't] know " in BNC.

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1 He affected not to know that I was terribly poor .
2 He pretends not to know me , which is n't too surprising , as we 've never met , but otherwise appears not too eccentric .
3 ‘ The White Rabbit had put on his spectacles , but he did not know where to start .
4 He did not know of one who had anything to thank the Flemyngs for , or old Menzies at the Castle .
5 As Cameron opened with his usual explanation of the Act , he did not know that the Reverend William McIvor , a tall whiskery man with coarse orange hair and very pale blue eyes , had stayed outside his manse , in the cover of a thick yew tree , and was listening hard with a hand cupped round his ear .
6 He did not know that in his last months he had developed a fatal heart condition .
7 He says he did not know it had been .
8 Mr Stockdale , however , said he did not know of Mr Carway 's record , despite having a long business relationship with him .
9 The Fates that are so careful to shut the doors of each successive life behind us had , in this case , been neglectful , and Charlie was looking , though that he did not know , where never man had been permitted to look with full knowledge since Time began .
10 Later , Mr Clay , who retired as general secretary in September , said he did not know whether he would receive the £8,000 or whether it would be used to offset the costs bill .
11 There was not a herb or flowering plant of any sort to be met on our walks that he did not know , and hardly one that was not invaluable as a remedy for some complaint .
12 The party who supplies the infant does so at his peril ; it will not avail him that he did not know that he was dealing with an infant , or that he thought that his position in life was such as to make the goods necessary , or that he did not know that the infant was already sufficiently supplied .
13 The party who supplies the infant does so at his peril ; it will not avail him that he did not know that he was dealing with an infant , or that he thought that his position in life was such as to make the goods necessary , or that he did not know that the infant was already sufficiently supplied .
14 After so many years , there was little about the game that he did not know , and tactically he was a highly skilled operator who , his players knew , would stay calm in a crisis .
15 But he did not know himself what it was and the impossibility of explaining made him turn his head at last and look across at the bright , rectangular picture Doyle was holding out .
16 His Spanish was almost non-existent , and he did not know how to study a foreign language , so I gave him lessons .
17 He did not know how to tell her that he was very , very sorry for being small , and for snivelling , and for ruining her life so that she could not go to America to be a film-star .
18 He did not know if she had written it down in the letter , or if the cake was to be his punishment for all the bad things he had done .
19 Still , he did not know what he should do tonight .
20 But Gaily knew that he would not go , not even once , to the club , though he did not know of any reason , beyond a feeling , a shrinking-back from an uncongenial world , a novelty , the element of surprise .
21 Would you like to … ’ but he did not know what .
22 I shouted that he did not know what he was talking about and held the telephone away from my face .
23 He did not know how he had got the door to this place to open .
24 This did not mean he did not know .
25 Reagan was shown a picture of Calero meeting him in the Oval Office ; he did not know who he was .
26 Clifford said he did not know which academic dress to wear as he had three London degrees , and ‘ I ca n't wear them all at once ’ .
27 He maintains that he did not know it was there .
28 Mr Moores said although he knew Mr Souness was ill , he did not know the extent of his condition until after the game .
29 He did not know until later that he had fouled Giggs . ’
30 He did not know how much had been paid but believed it was less than £50m .
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