Example sentences of "he [verb] [prep] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He played great golf and it was very sad for him to lose by missing that putt . ’
2 She heard him fumbling about looking for the lamp switch and then he found it .
3 Sarah 's eyes filled with tears , which she allowed him to see before burying her face against his ample knees .
4 The mother also agreed to place a small plate of Ben 's favourite food ( chunks of cheese and pieces of apple ) in front of him at meal-times but then not to watch him eat by getting on with a job in the kitchen .
5 I trusted Carradine because he was different , but trusting him led to mistrusting everyone else .
6 I watch him concentrate on licking the end of a little cigar .
7 He put himself right before every one of them , and he was so intelligent at the job that all I had to do was to ride him quietly and let him jump without fussing him . ’
8 Robertson , who has spent time labouring and more recently teaching in Europe to finance his playing career , is now attached to Castle Eden and Peterlee golf club which is allowing him to concentrate on playing local professional events .
9 Nour said ( he really did say it ) that I was disobedient to him to persist in feeding the cat .
10 ‘ I had heard about Smailovic and his Sarajevan Opera String Quartet some time ago and had the idea of offering him support by writing a piece and joining him in one of his concerts at the front line . ’
11 Can I persuade him to talk without crunching him ?
12 He told the writer Constantine FitzGibbon some years later that he disliked the idea of poets " cashing in " on other people 's misery ; his scepticism about his own motives as well as those of others , and his general belief that one should not comment on any situation until one understood it thoroughly , made him refrain from making the kind of easy judgment or fashionable " stand " in which others indulged .
13 His strong sense of duty made him insist on going , even if the weather was very bad .
14 It was n't entirely his thirst for knowledge that had made him insist on driving north to Chanchán .
15 He has lived in this pleasant suburb 45 years , entirely unaware that Kirk , Keef , Claptout and all of Led Zeppelin had been looking for him to apologise for stealing his songs and to pay him much-needed royalties .
16 Working outside gets him acclimatized to meeting other people before being released .
17 On two occasions he joined large dinner parties designed to raise money for particular charities and I witnessed him reduced to slumping over the table on folded arms , where he remained comatose until gently removed at the end of the meal .
18 His practical genius for ergonomics allowed him to succeed in adapting tasks to suit a disabled workforce .
19 ‘ My child has never heard the sound of laughter , ’ said the woman , ‘ and I do n't want him to die without hearing it . ’
20 Marshall smiled contentedly as he said : ‘ We got him to confess to putting the knife in the pond . ’
21 No matter what it cost her , she could not let him leave without trying to speak to him .
22 I thought he would have no chance of life if his father Heathcliff took him to live at Wuthering Heights .
23 She was followed by Rabbi Moishe , his sallow face with its rippling white beard inclining first to one side and then to the other as everyone did him honour by rising until he had passed , and just behind him came another black-garbed figure , a bespectacled priest , greying head covered by a yarmulkah .
24 His international reputation would do credit to Soviet music ; state support would enable him to compose without having to earn his living on the concert platform .
25 Soon afterwards he left the Wang ( though Zervos tried to tempt him to stay by offering him an extra , wait for it , thirty-five cents an hour ! ) and started working days at the ice-cream parlour on Main Street which belonged , coincidentally , to Celia 's uncle ( or maybe not so coincidentally since , in a town like Adam 's Creek , population 2,200 , most people ended up being related sooner or later ) .
26 How near should he let him come before stepping out to confront him ?
27 It was the nearest she had known him come to making a joke .
28 Every movement within a form teaches him to defend by blocking or manoeuvring and then to attack with a strike or a kick .
29 ‘ Michael asked me to come up with a funny line for him to say on leaving the house , ’ recalled scriptwriter Raymond Allen .
30 But part of the reason is that a lot of the masses as it were , do actually like watching him bumbling around getting muddled up and so on and so forth .
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